Ny bok av Jan Hartman vid Filosofiska institutionen i Lund och Barry Gibson, University of Sheffield: Rediscovering Grounded Theory.
"Rediscovering Grounded Theory is a bold re-evaluation of the origins of grounded theory, a philosophical clarification of its key ideas and a presentation of the most effective way to use its techniques in your research.
It answers questions such as 'What should grounded theory look like?', 'How do I recognise grounded theory?' and 'How do I produce good grounded theory?' by returning to the original ideas as they were presented by Glaser and Strauss."
<link http: www.uk.sagepub.com textbooks book237961 grounded>Läs mer om boken.
Ny bok av Jan Hartman
Publicerad den 27 november 2013
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