Så här beskriver doktoranderna själva sina avhandlingsarbeten och hur de kan ha nytta av vistelsen utomlands:
Andrey is going to visit the Mammal Vocal Communication and Cognition Research at the University of Sussex led by Karen McComb and David Reby, two well-known researchers of acoustic communication. In his PhD research Andrey has focused on human nonverbal vocalizations from a biological perspective, so it is an exciting opportunity for him to collaborate with and learn from the expertise of the bioacousticians in Sussex.
Gloria examines moral theories in light of the fact that moral reasoning as a human capacity is developing within social and cultural contexts. A focus of her PhD thesis is how individual agents relate to the continuous change of societal structures and whether they can play an active role in change. A strand of research Gloria is pursuing is concerning the capacity of perspectival shift. The LOGOS Research Group in Analytic Philosophy at the University of Barcelona hosts leading research on perspectival thought, such as the work by Manuel García-Carpintero or Sven Rosenkranz, and promises a stimulating environment for Gloria's development, bringing new insights especially from theoretical philosophy and the analytic philosophy of language.
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