A one-day Workshop at the University of Glasgow, Saturday, October 5, 2013.
Speakers: Wlodek Rabinowicz (Lund), Alex Voorhoeve (LSE), Jonathan Way (Southampton), Ulrike Heuer (Leeds), Kent Hurtig (Stirling), Campbell Brown (Glasgow).
The University of Glasgow, with support from the Scots Philosophical Association, is honoured to be hosting Wlodek Rabinowicz as a Centenary Fellow during September and October, 2013. Prof Rabinowicz's broad-ranging research covers many topics in ethics, value theory, decision theory, and political philosophy, among others. This workshop will be devoted to discussing some themes from his work.
Further details of papers will be made available shortly. Registration fee £25 (£10 for students). Includes lunch and refreshments. To register, please contact Hugh Lazenby, <link>hugh.lazenby@glasgow.ac.uk
Themes from Wlodek Rabinowicz
Publicerad den 17 september 2013
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