<link https: lu.varbi.com en what:job jobid:290372 type:job where:4 apply:1 external-link-new-window phd positions in practical>Read more about the positions here. Last application date is October 20 2019.
Two PhD positions in Practical philosophy at the department
Publicerad den 24 september 2019
We have two vacant positions for doctoral students in Practical philosophy within "<link https: www.lgrp.lu.se external-link-new-window lgrp>Lund-Gothenburg Responsibility Project". The project focuses moral responsibility and free will within action theory, normative ethics, metaethics, and legal responsibility.
<link https: lu.varbi.com en what:job jobid:290372 type:job where:4 apply:1 external-link-new-window phd positions in practical>Read more about the positions here. Last application date is October 20 2019.
<link https: lu.varbi.com en what:job jobid:290372 type:job where:4 apply:1 external-link-new-window phd positions in practical>Read more about the positions here. Last application date is October 20 2019.
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