
Public Philosophy Lecture: Simon Kirchin on "Is Drag Morally Objectionable?"

27 November 2024 18:15 to 19:30 Lecture/talk

Lund Philosophical Society will be hosting a public philosophy lecture by Simon Kirchin (Professor at University of Leeds) called "Is Drag Morally Objectionable?" on November 27th in LUX: B237 from 18:15. Everyone is welcome!

Lund Philosophical Society is pleased to announce our 4th speaker of 2024: Simon Kirchin (Professor at University of Leeds). He will give a talk titled "Is Drag Morally Objectionable?" on the 27th of November at 18:15 in LUX: B237. The event is free and everyone is welcome.

As always, the talk will be followed by an informal reception in the Department of Philosophy's staff room, which is available for anyone who purchases a membership to Lund Philosophical Society (costing 40sek pr. year).

Hope to see you there!

(Notice that Lund Philosophical Society previously announced a talk by Ana Maria Márquez on this date. That lecture has been moved to the 29th of January 2025). 


Abstract: Is Drag Morally Objectionable?

We are living through a golden age of drag, with drag kings and queens prominent in our society and media.  Drag seems like fun, and a talk about drag at a philosophy seminar may seem as if philosophy is enjoying a jolly time away from more serious topics.  However, drag also has a serious side.  Some critics have accused drag of inherent sexism and misogyny, and this has extra bite in an age where concerns about cultural appropriation (and other, similar matters) are high; NOTE: we will also mention racial imitation.  This talk will detail the challenge and argue that drag is not inherently morally objectionable.

About the event:

27 November 2024 18:15 to 19:30



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