Registration for exams

Compulsory registration for all written invigilated exams that takes place at the university

As of spring semester 2023, pre-registration for all written invigilated exam that takes place at the university (at the Department of Philosphy) will be compulsory. 

Registration opens 3 weeks before and closes 1 week before the exam. Register in Ladok:

Register as follows

  1. Log in to Ladok
  2. Select "Examination dates"
  3. Register for the exam.

Schedule for all exams

End of semester exams

For written invigilated re-exams that takes place at the university after the end of the semester (February and August) you must register in Ladok advance.

  • The end of semester exam for all modules within theoretical philosophy during the spring semester 2024 and for Social AI Through the Looking Glass (SASH92) is held on 15 August 2024. 
  • The end of semester exam for all modules within practical philosophy during the spring semester 2024 and for One World, One Morality (SASH66) and One World, One Language (SASH81) is held on 16 August 2024. 

Please check the exam schedule above for information about rooms and times for the exams. If you've taken the course during previous semesters, please make sure that the list of literatur is still the same. If you have questions contact the study advisors Ylva von Gerber (philosophy) or Eva Sjöstrand (cognitive science). Please note that you have to register in advance if you want to write any of the exams these dates. You register by sending an email to tentamensanmalanfil.luse. The email must include your name and the name of the course.

Page Manager: anna.ostbergfil.luse | 2024-05-28