Zoom exam

Digital exams, invigilated over Zoom

Find the rules and the general instructions here.

Please note: 

  • You must show a valid photo ID. 
  • You are not admitted to the exam if you are late. You must log in to Zoom on time and according to the instructions. 
  • The room where you take your exam must be quiet. No other persons are allowed in the room, and you are not allowed to communicate with anyone during the exam, other than the invigliator. 
  • Move away any unnecessary things from your desk. 
  • You are allowed to eat and drink during the exam. Make sure to prepare for this before the exam begins, since you are not allowed to leave the room during the exam.

Read the document above thourougly, and ask your course administrator if you have any questions.

Mandatory exam registration

You must sign up in ladok for all invigilated exams, both on campus and online. 

Page Manager: anna.ostbergfil.luse | 2023-08-31