
Asger Kirkeby-Hinrup

Supervisor, Associate Professor

  • Theoretical Philosophy
  • Department of Philosophy

Contact information

E-mail asger.kirkeby-hinrupfil.luse

Visiting address
Helgonavägen 3, Lund

Postal address
Box 192, 221 00 Lund

Internal post code 30

Main area of research is the philosophy of mind with focus on the interdisciplinary exchange with related empirical sciences. Most prominently: interdisciplinary consciousness studies and the the so-called neural correlates of consciousness. Particularly, I have am heavily involved in development and discussion of methodologies for assessing and comparing theories.

In recent years, my focus has expanded to discussions of (the possibility of) AI consciousness, how to assess it, detect it, and its implications.

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My profile in Lund University research portal
Asger Kirkeby-Hinrup

Supervisor, Associate Professor

  • Theoretical Philosophy
  • Department of Philosophy

Contact information

E-mail asger.kirkeby-hinrupfil.luse

Visiting address
Helgonavägen 3, Lund

Postal address
Box 192, 221 00 Lund

Internal post code 30

Page Manager: anna.ostbergfil.luse | 2017-02-13