Henrik Andersson

Associate Professor, Researcher
- Practical Philosophy
- Department of Philosophy
Contact information
E-mail henrik.andersson@fil.lu.se
Room LUX:B430
Visiting address
Helgonavägen 3, Lund
Postal address
Box 192, 221 00 Lund
Internal post code 30
I am an Associate Professor and employed as a researcher at Lund University. My research interests are primarily in value theory and applied ethics.
Before my current position, I held a postdoctoral fellowship at Lund University and the University of Colorado. Prior to that, I was employed at the Institute for Futures Studies within the project Population and the Sustainable Development Goals: An Ethical Evaluation.
In the spring of 2017, I defended my dissertation in practical philosophy titled "How It All Relates - Exploring the Space of Value Comparisons." My dissertation dealt with how we should understand incomparability. I argued that semantic vagueness can explain why we sometimes perceive certain alternatives as incomparable. The dissertation was awarded the Oscar II Scholarship for the best dissertation in the humanities at Lund University in 2017.
I have extensive experience teaching practical philosophy.
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My profile in Lund University research portal
Associate Professor, Researcher
- Practical Philosophy
- Department of Philosophy
Contact information
E-mail henrik.andersson@fil.lu.se
Room LUX:B430
Visiting address
Helgonavägen 3, Lund
Postal address
Box 192, 221 00 Lund
Internal post code 30