
Doctoral Student
- Theoretical Philosophy
- Department of Philosophy
Contact information
E-mail max.minden_ribeirofil.luse
Room LUX:B478
Visiting address
Helgonavägen 3, Lund
Postal address
Box 192, 221 00 Lund
Internal post code 30
My doctoral project focuses on perceptual experience and how it relates to other forms of conscious awareness. How best can we describe and explain experience, and how can we make use of those descriptions and explanations in developing philosophical arguments?
My starting point has been considering what is called perceptual presence. This is the sense a perceiver has that what they are looking at is actually there, located in their environment, in a way that imagined or remembered objects could never be. I am interested in how thoughts in this vein were developed across the 20th century, both in the analytic and phenomenological traditions, and how they might be put to use in contemporary philosophy of perception and mind.
Aside from this, I’m also interested in memory, affectivity, language.
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My profile in Lund University research portalPublications
1. (2022) "Is Presence Perceptual?" Phenomenology and Mind. Special Issue: Mind, Language, and The First-Person Perspective.
2. (2023) "An Assembled Message: Matthen on the Content of Perceptual Experience". Synthese.
1. One World, One Language.
Autumn semester. I have taught on this course since 2020 and been the course leader since 2022.
The course is an introduction to the central topics of the philosophy of language seen from a global, multi-lingual perspective. These topics include what it is for an expression to be meaningful; how words and sentences acquire meanings; how expressions can refer to things in the world; what the relation is between meaning and reference; how language relate to thought; and how human languages relate to those of animals and machines.

Doctoral Student
- Theoretical Philosophy
- Department of Philosophy
Contact information
E-mail max.minden_ribeirofil.luse
Room LUX:B478
Visiting address
Helgonavägen 3, Lund
Postal address
Box 192, 221 00 Lund
Internal post code 30