Articles (page 11 of 49)
- Orsi, F. & Garcia, A. G. (2021). The explanatory objection to the fitting attitude analysis of value. Philosophical Studies, 178, 1207-1221. Springer.
- Overgaard, M. & Kirkeby-Hinrup, A. (2021). Finding the neural correlates of consciousness will not solve all our problems. Philosophy and the Mind Sciences, 2.
- Overgaard, M. & Kirkeby-Hinrup, A. (2021). Is Learning the Cognitive Basis of Consciousness? The Moral Implications of SOMA. Trends in Cognitive Sciences, 25, 8-9. Elsevier.
- Palmqvist, C. J. (2021). Analysing hope : The live possibility account. European Journal of Philosophy, 29, 685-698. Wiley-Blackwell.
- Palmqvist, C.-J. (2021). Forms of belief-less religion : Why non-doxasticism makes fictionalism redundant for the pro-religious agnostic. Religious Studies: An International Journal for the Philosophy of Religion, 57, 49-65. Cambridge University Press.
- Persson, E. (2021). Astrobiologins filosofi : Några frågor rörande praktisk filosofi. Filosofiska notiser, 8, 25-38.
- Persson, E. (2021). Astrobiologins filosofi : Några frågor rörande teoretisk filosofi. Filosofiska notiser, 8, 3-23.
- Persson, E. (2021). Synthetic Life and the Value of Life. Frontiers in Bioengineering and Biotechnology, 9. Frontiers Media S. A..
- Persson, E., Eriksson, K. & Knaggård, ?. (2021). A Fair Distribution of Responsibility for Climate Adaptation : Translating Principles of Distribution from an International to a Local Context. Philosophies, 6. MDPI AG.
- Persson, E., Knaggård, ?. & Eriksson, K. (2021). Public Perceptions concerning Responsibility for Climate Change Adaptation. Sustainability, 13. MDPI AG.
- Pinheiro, A., Anikin, A., Conde, T., Sarzedas, J., Chen, S., Scott, S. & Lima, C. (2021). Emotional authenticity modulates affective and social trait inferences from voices. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences, 376. Royal Society Publishing.
- Pisanski, K., Anikin, A. & Reby, D. (2021). Did vocal size exaggeration contribute to the origins of vocalic complexity?. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences, 377. Royal Society Publishing.
- Rabinowicz, W. & Rønnow-Rasmussen, T. (2021). Explaining value: on Orsi and Garcia’s explanatory objection to the fitting-attitude analysis. Philosophical Studies, 178, 2473-2482. Springer.
- Reber, S. A., Oh, J., Janisch, J., Stevenson, C., Foggett, S. & Wilkinson, A. (2021). Early life differences in behavioral predispositions in two Alligatoridae species. Animal Cognition, 24, 753-764. Springer.
- Russell, P. (2021). Responsibility skepticism and strawson’s naturalism. Ethics, 131, 754-776. University of Chicago Press.
- Russell, P. (2021). The Limits of Free Will : Replies to Bennett, Smith and Wallace. Ethical Theory and Moral Practice, 24, 357-373. Springer.
- Sauciuc, G.-A., Luna Martinez, A., Wester, A., Hellgren, T. & Persson, T. (2021). Maternal behaviors that mediate skill development in Sumatran orangutans. Proceedings of the Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Science Society, 43, 1187-1193.
- Silvervarg, A., Wolf, R., Blair, K. P., Haake, M. & Gulz, A. (2021). How teachable agents influence students’ responses to critical constructive feedback. Journal of Research on Technology in Education, 53, 67-88. Taylor & Francis.
- Skoglund, P., Ranta, M., Persson, T. & Cabak Rédei, A. (2021). Narrative Aspects of Images of Spear Use in Scandinavian Rock Carvings. European Journal of Archaeology. Cambridge University Press.
- Smid, J. (2021). Extensionality for Fusions and Pluralities. Synthese, 198, 4355-4374. Springer.
- Stenseke, J. (2021). Persistent homology and the shape of evolutionary games. Journal of Theoretical Biology, 531. Academic Press.
- Stenwall, R. (2021). A Grounding Physicalist Solution to the Causal Exclusion Problem. Synthese, 198, 11775-11795. Springer.
- Stephens, A. (2021). Consistency and shifts in Gettier cases. Logos & Episteme: an international journal of epistemiology, 12, 331-343. Gheorghe Zane Institute for Economic and Social Research, Romanian Academy, Iasi Branch.
- Stephens, A., Tjøstheim, T. A., Roszko, M. & Olsson, E. J. (2021). A Dynamical Perspective on the Generality Problem. Acta Analytica, 36, 409-422. Springer.
- Szigeti, A. (2021). Emotions as indeterminate justifiers. Synthese, 199, 11995-12017. Springer.