Books (page 2 of 7)
- Nirme, J. (2020). Understanding virtual speakers. Lund University Cognitive Studies, 177. Lund University (Media-Tryck). Dissertation.
- Green Werkmäster, J. (2019). Reasons and Normativity. Department of Philosophy, Lund University. Dissertation.
- Bobrowicz, K. (2019). Memory for Problem Solving: Comparative Studies in Attention, Working and Long-term Memory. Lund University Cognitive Studies, 174. Department of Philosophy, Lund University. Dissertation.
- Talbert, M. & Wolfendale, J. (2019). War Crimes : Causes, Excuses, and Blame. Oxford University Press.
- Gåvertsson, F. (2018). Perfection and Fiction : A study in Iris Murdoch's Moral Philosophy. Lund University (Media-Tryck). Dissertation.
- Garcia, A. G. (2018). Between Values and the World : Studies in second-order value theory. Dissertation.
- Gharaee, Z. (2018). Action in Mind : A Neural Network Approach to Action Recognition and Segmentation. Lund University Cognitive Science. Dissertation.
- Rendsvig, R. K. (2018). Logical Dynamics and Dynamical Systems. Media-Tryck, Lund University, Sweden. Dissertation.
- Tärning, B. (2018). Design of teachable agents and feedback in educational software : Focusing on low-performing students and students with low self-efficacy. Lund University (Media-Tryck). Dissertation.
- Oliva, M. (2018). Attention and Learning through the Eyes of the Emotional Brain. Lund University Cognitive Studies. Dissertation.
- Alm, D. (2018). Moral Rights and Their Grounds. Routledge Studies in Ethics and Moral Theory. Routledge.
- Lo Presti, P. (2018). Att förstå social förståelse : En filosofisk undersökning av social förståelse och integration. Daidalos.
- Kabadayi, C. (2017). Planning and inhibition in corvids. MediaTryck Lund. Dissertation.
- Smid, J. (2017). Parthood, Identity, and Composition : Studies of Mereology. Dissertation.
- Kirkeby-Hinrup, A. (2017). Empirical data in the philosophy of mind: free will, higher-order thought, and misrepresentation. Lund University Press. Dissertation.
- Andersson, H. (2017). How It All Relates : Exploring the Space of Value Comparisons. Lund University (Media-Tryck). Dissertation.
- Jacobs, I. (2017). On the origins of physical cognition in corvids. Lund University Cognitive Studies. Dissertation.
- (2017). Liv : utomjordiskt, syntetiskt, artificiellt. In Abbott, J. & Persson, E. (Eds.) Pufendorfinstitutets skriftserie. Pufendorfinstitutet, Lunds universitet.
- Gärdenfors, P. (2017). Den svåra konsten att se sig själv. Natur och kultur.
- von Bothmer, R., Bucht, E., Emanuelsson, U., Fagerström, T., Frykman, J., Hansson, B., Johansson, L., Lind, M., Cajsa S, L., Lundborg, T., Mårald, E., Nelson, C., Olsson, S.-O. R., Ragnar, M., Rosborn, S. & Wallander, H. (2017). Jord : mylla, mark och makt. Fri tanke förlag.
- Ingthorsson, R. (2016). McTaggart's Paradox. Routledge Series in Contemporary Philosophy. Routledge.
- Talbert, M. (2016). Moral Responsibility : An Introduction. Key concepts in philosophy. Polity Press.
- von Uexkull, J. (2016). Pasaże ku światom zwierząt i ludzi : Książka z obrazkami niewidzialnych światów. Katarzyna Bobrowicz.
- Lo Presti, P. (2015). Norms in Social Interaction : Semantic, Epistemic, and Dynamic. Dissertation.
- Harvard Maare, ?. (2015). Designing for Peer Learning : Mathematics, Games and Peer Groups in Leisure-time Centers. Lund University Cognitive Studies, 165. Dissertation.