Book chapters (page 5 of 19)
- Brinck, I., Reddy, V. & Zahavi, D. (2017). The Primacy of the "We"?. In Durch, C., Fuchs, T. & Tewes, C. (Eds.) Embodiment, Enaction, and Culture : Investigating the Constitution of the Shared World (pp. 131-147). MIT Press.
- Gärdenfors, P. (2017). Concept learning and nonmonotonic reasoning. In Cohen, H. & Lefebvre, C. (Eds.) Handbook of Categorization in Cognitive Science (pp. 977-999). Elsevier.
- Gärdenfors, P. (2017). Semantic Knowledge, Domains of Meaning and Conceptual Spaces. In Meusburger, P., Werlen, B. & Suarsana, L. (Eds.) Knowledge and Space, Knowledge and Action (pp. 203-219), 9. Springer International Publishing.
- Hahn, U., Bluhm, R. & Zenker, F. (2017). Causal Argument. In Waldmann, M. (Ed.) Oxford Library of Psychology, Oxford Handbook of Causal Reasoning. Oxford University Press.
- Höög, V. (2017). Idéhistoria i framtidens kunskapssamhälle. Ugglan, Ugglan nr. 18, 18, 71-71. Idé- och lärdomshistoria vid Lunds universitet.
- Klein, D. & Rendsvig, R. K. (2017). Convergence, Continuity and Recurrence in Dynamic Epistemic Logic. Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics), Logic, Rationality, and Interaction : International Workshop on Logic, Rationality and Interaction, 10445 LNCS, 108-122. Springer.
- Olsson, E. J. (2017). Coherentism. In Bernecker, S. & Michaelian, K. (Eds.) Routledge Handbooks in Philosophy, Routledge Handbook of Philosophy of Memory (pp. 310-322). Routledge.
- Olsson, E. J. (2017). Explicationist Epistemology and Epistemic Pluralism. In Coliva, A. & Jang Lee Linding Pedersen, N. (Eds.) Epistemic Pluralism. Palgrave Macmillan.
- Persson, A. & Persson, J. (2017). Vetenskaplig grund och beprövad erfarenhet i högre utbildning och skola. Vetenskap och beprövad erfarenhet - skola. Lund University.
- Persson, E. (2017). Skapat liv och livets värde. In Abbott, J. & Persson, E. (Eds.) Pufendorfinstitutets skriftserie, Liv : utomjordiskt, artificiellt och syntetiskt (pp. 219-237). Pufendorfinstitutet, Lunds universitet.
- Persson, J. (2017). Är vetenskaplig grund och beprövad erfarenhet i skolan samma sak som vetenskap och beprövad erfarenhet i hälso- och sjukvård?. Vetenskap och beprövad erfarenhet - skola. Lund University.
- Proietti, C. (2017). Time of Logics and Time of Physics. In Bouton, C. & Huneman, P. (Eds.) Boston Studies in the Philosophy and History of Science, Time of Nature and the Nature of Time : Philosophical Perspectives of Time in Natural Sciences (pp. 39-53), 326. Springer.
- Sörensen, J. S. & Olsson, E. J. (2017). Academic Freedom and Its Enemies : Lessons from Sweden. In Halvorsen, T., Ibsen, H., Evans, H.-C. & Penderis, S. (Eds.) Knowledge for Justice : Critical Perspectives from Southern African-Nordic Research Partnerships (pp. 57-70). African Minds.
- Zenker, F. (2017). Falsification. In Turner, B. S., Kyung-Sup, C., Epstein, C. F., Kivisto, P., Outhwaite, W. & Ryan, J. M. (Eds.) The Wiley-Blackwell Encyclopedia of Social Theory.
- Ambagtsheer, F., GUNNARSON, M., Linde, v. B., Ivanovski, N., Lundin, S., Byström, I. & Weimar, W. (2016). Organ Recipients who Paid for Kidney Transplantations abroad : A Report. In Ambagtsheer, F. & Weimar, W. (Eds.) Trafficking in Human Beings for the Purpose of Organ Removal : Results and Recommendations (pp. 69-90). Pabst Science Publishers.
- Angere, S., Olsson, E. J. & Genot, E. (2016). Inquiry and deliberation in judicial systems : The problem of jury size. In Baskent, C. (Ed.) Perspectives on Interrogative Models of Inquiry : Developments in Inquiry and Questions (pp. 35-56). Springer.
- Brandstedt, E. & Emmelin, M. (2016). The Concept of Sustainable Welfare. In Koch, M. & Mont, O. (Eds.) Routledge Studies in Ecological Economics, Sustainability and the Political Economy of Welfare (pp. 15-28), 42. Routledge.
- Brandstedt, E. & Mont, O. (2016). The Future is Not What It Used to Be : On the Roles and Function of Assumptions in Visions of the Future. In Koch, M. & Mont, O. (Eds.) Routledge Studies in Ecological Economics, Sustainability and the Political Economy of Welfare (pp. 59-74), 42. Routledge.
- Brinck, I., Balkenius, C. & Johansson, B. (2016). Making Place for Social Norms in the Design of Human-Robot Interaction. In Seibt, J., Nørskov, M. & Schack Andersen, S. (Eds.) Frontiers in Artificial Intelligence and Applications, What Social Robots Can and Should Do : Proceedings of RoboPhilosophy 2016/TRANSOR 2016 (pp. 303-312), 290. IOS Press.
- Frederike, A., GUNNARSON, M., de Jong, J., Lundin, S., Linde, v. B., Zvika, O., Byström, I. & Weimar, W. (2016). Trafficking in human Beings for the Purpose or Organ Removal : A Case Study Report. In Ambagtsheer, F. & Weimar, W. (Eds.) Trafficking in human Beings for the Purpose or Organ Removal : Results and Recommendations (pp. 91-116). Pabst Science Publishers.
- Genot, E. & Gulz, A. (2016). The interrogative model of inquiry and inquiry learning. In Can, B. (Ed.) Perspectives on Interrogative Models of Inquiry: Developments in Inquiry and Questions (pp. 15-33). Springer.
- Holsanova, J. (2016). Cognitive approach to audio description. In Matamala, A. & Orero, P. (Eds.) Palgrave Studies in Translating and Interpreting, Researching audio description : New approaches (pp. 49-73). Palgrave Macmillan.
- Holsanova, J. (2016). Kognitiva och kommunikativa aspekter av syntolkning. In Holsanova, J., Wadensjö, C. & Andrén, M. (Eds.) Lund University Cognitive Studies, Syntolkning : forskning och praktik (pp. 17-27), 166. Lund University Cognitive Studies.
- Holsanova, J. & Wadensjö, C. (2016). Syntolkning : forskning, tankar och visioner. In Holsanova, J., Wadensjö, C. & Andrén, M. (Eds.) Lund University Cognitive Studies, Syntolkning : forskning och praktik (pp. 13-15), 166. Lund University Cognitive Studies.
- Olsson, E. J. (2016). A Naturalistic Approach to the Generality Problem. In McLaughlin, B. P. & Kornblith, H. (Eds.) Philosophers and Their Critics, Goldman and His Critics (pp. 178-199), 16. Wiley-Blackwell.