Conference contributions (page 12 of 21)
- Osvath, M. & Karvonen, E. (2011). Spontaneous innovation for future deception in a male chimpanzee.
- Pareto, L., Arvemo, T., Dahl, Y., Haake, M. & Gulz, A. (2011). A Teachable-Agent Arithmetic Game’s effects on Mathematics Understanding, Attitude and Self-Efficacy. In Bull, S. & Biswas, G. (Eds.) AIED 2011, LNAI 6738 (pp. 247-255). Springer.
- Rønnow-Rasmussen, T. (2011). Two Kinds of Good.
- Silvervarg, A., Haake, M., Pareto, L., Strandberg, T. & Gulz, A. (2011). ”The Brick Game” demonstration. In Bull, S. & Biswas, G. (Eds.) Artificial Intelligence in Education, 15th International Conference, 2011 LNAI 6738. Springer.
- Sjödén, B. (2011). Social Motivations and Goal Orientations with a Teachable Agent: Implications for Improving Test Performance. In Yu, F.-Y., Hirashima, T., Supnithi, T. & Biswas, G. (Eds.) Proceedings of the 19th International Conference on Computers in Education (pp. 792-794). National Electronics and Computer Technology Center, Thailand.
- Sjödén, B., Silvervarg, A., Haake, M. & Gulz, A. (2011). Extending an Educational Math Game with a Pedagogical Conversational Agent: Facing Design Challenges. Communications in Computer and Information Science, 126, 116-130. Springer.
- Sjödén, B., Tärning, B., Pareto, L. & Gulz, A. (2011). Transferring Teaching to Testing – an Unexplored Aspect of Teachable Agents. In Biswas, G. & Bull, S. (Eds.) AIED 2011 LNAI 6738 (pp. 337-344). Springer.
- Thorén, H. & Persson, J. (2011). Philosophy of Interdisciplinarity: Problem‐Feeding, Conceptual Drift, and Methodological Migration. PhilSci Archive.
- Thunström, M., Persson, T. & Björklund, M. (2011). Integration of a Hand-Reared Chimpanzee (Pan troglodytes) Infant into a Social Group of Conspecifics.
- Tärning, B., Haake, M. & Gulz, A. (2011). Off-task Engagement in a Teachable Agent based Math Game. In Hirashima, T. (Ed.) Proceedings of the 19th International Conference on Computers in Education (ICCE-2011). Asia-Pacific Society for Computers in Education.
- Zenker, F. (2011). Commentary on F. Macagno’s ‘Implicatures and Hierarchies of Presumptions. In Frank, Z. (Ed.) [Host publication title missing] (pp. 1-4). The Ontario Society for the Study of Argumentation.
- Zenker, F. (2011). Foundations for Nothing and Facts for Free. In Frank, Z. (Ed.) Argumentation: Cognition and Community. Proceedings of the 9th International Conference of the Ontario Society for the Study of Argumentation (CD-ROM) (pp. 1-7). The Ontario Society for the Study of Argumentation.
- Zenker, F. (2011). Why Study the Overlap Between “Ought” and “Is” Anyways? On Empirically Investigating the Conventional Validity of the Pragma-Dialectical Discussion Rules. Proceedings of the 7th International Conference of the International Society for the Study of Argumentation (ISSA), 2083-2091. SicSat, Amsterdam.
- Zenker, F., Christian, G., Albert, N., Raphael, van, R. & Gottfried, V. (2011). Designing an Introductory Course in Elementary Symbolic Logic within the Blackboard e-Learning Environment. In P., B., H., D. & M., M. (Eds.) Springer Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence (LNAI) (pp. 249-255), 6680. Springer.
- Zlatev, J., Lenninger, S., Sayehli, S., Madsen, E., Sonesson, G. & Persson, T. (2011). Understanding Communicative Signs by Children and Chimpanzees.
- Zlatev, J., Sonesson, G., Persson, T., Lenninger, S., Sayehli, S. & Madsen, E. (2011). Intersubjectivity and Sign Use in Children and Chimpanzees.
- Andersson, R. (2010). Indicators of communicative success. (Poster).
- Balkenius, A., Dacke, M. & Balkenius, C. (2010). The Approach Behaviour of the Hawkmoth Manduca sexta toward Multi-modal Stimuli: A Simulation Model. In Doncieux, S., Girard, B., Guillot, A., Hallam, J., Meyer, J.-A. & Mouret, J.-B. (Eds.) Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence, From Animals to Animats 11 : 11th International Conference on Simulation of Adaptive Behavior, SAB 2010, Paris - Clos Lucé, France, August 25-28, 2010. Proceedings (pp. 232-241). Springer.
- Brinck, I. (2010). Contexts of Language Diversity. Evolution of Language, Proceedings, 373-374. World Scientific Publishing.
- Bååth, R. & Balkenius, C. (2010). Is it Necessary to Solve the Redundancy Problem when Learning the Inverse Kinematics of a Robotic Arm?. In Johansson, B., Sahlin, E. & Balkenius, C. (Eds.) Lund University Cognitive Studies, Proceedings of the Tenth International Conference on Epigenetic Robotics 2010 (pp. 155-156), 149.
- Bååth, R. & Johansson, B. (2010). Making a map-making robot: Using the IKAROS System to Implement the Occupancy Grid Algorithm. Proceedings of the Swedish Artificial Intelligence Society Workshop.
- Bååth, R., Hansson, K., Sahlén, B. & Sikström, S. (2010). Using Latent Semantic Analysis to Asses the Semantic Content of Narratives from Children with Typical and Atypical Language Development.
- Bååth, R., Hansson, K., Sahlén, B. & Sikström, S. (2010). Using Latent Semantic Analysis to Asses the Semantic Content of Narratives from Children with Typical and Atypical Language Development.
- Gil, D. & Johnsson, M. (2010). Supervised SOM Based Architecture versus Multilayer Perceptron and RBF Networks. SAIS 2010.
- Gil, D., Johnsson, M., Garcia Chamizo, J., Soriano Paya, A. & Ruiz Fernandez, D. (2010). Decision support system for the diagnosis of urological dysfunctions based on fuzzy logic. DCAI 2010.