Finished Projects
- Access consciousness, phenomenal consciousness, and their neural correlates (Asger Kirkeby-Hinrup)
- Action-Oriented Body Perception
- Adaptive Builder Robots (Christian Balkenius)
- Agency; Collective and Individual Perspectives (Björn Petersson)
- Agentskap: Kollektiva och individuella perspektiv (Björn Petersson)
- A new principle for sensation in robot hands (Christian Balkenius)
- A Non-Doxastic Theory of Disinformation
- A Plurality of Lives - Pufendorf IAS Theme
- A somatosensory system for a robot
- Aspects of blame
- Att se en robot
- Audio description and multimodality (Jana Holsanova)
- Audio description - research and practices (Jana Holsanova)
- Audio description: to elicit mental images for those who do not see (Jana Holsanova)
- Autonomy (Ylva von Gerber)
- Avsiktlighet och agentperspektiv (Björn Petersson)
- Beliefs, Evidence, and the Morality of Self-defense (August Olsen)
- Between Values and the World (Andrés Garcia)
- Beyond Belief: On the Nature and Rationality of Agnostic Religion (Carl-Johan Palmqvist)
- Beyond Faith: New Perspectives on Belief-Less Religion
- Bildbeskrivning
- Bimanual manipulation of objects (Christian Balkenius)
- CAI@LU - Children Advertising and Internet at Lund University
- Can great apes imagine cocktails? (Gabriela-Alina Sauciuc)
- Causation in the Social Domain (Tobias Hansson Wahlberg)
- Centre for Cognitive Semiotics (RJ) (Jordan Zlatev)
- Challenging Gender Stereotypes using Virtual Pedagogical Agents (Agneta Gulz)
- Choice Blindness and Consumer Decision Making (Petter Johansson)
- Choice Blindness as a New Tool for the Study of Moral Decision Making and Introspection (Lars Hall)
- Choice Blindness: Trust in Virtual Reality (Agneta Gulz)
- Climate Change and Future Generations
- Cognition in context (VR Swe Research Links) (Ingar Brinck)
- Cognitive Epistemology
- Cognitive modeling
- Cognitive Processes underlying Mental Imagery and Problem Solving (Jana Holsanova)
- Collective Competence in Deliberative Groups: On the Epistemological Foundation of Democracy (Erik J Olsson)
- Collective harm (Björn Petersson)
- Coming Together: Integration and Plurality in Sustainability Science (Henrik Thorén)
- Conceptual Engineering: Implementation of Cognitive Semantics
- Constructive Climate Ethics. How to Make Ethical Theorising Relevant to Climate Policy (Eric Brandstedt)
- Crime Victims and the Right to Punishment (David Alm)
- Decisions in front of the supermarket shelf: How familiarity mediates top-down and bottom-up influences on visual attention (Annika Wallin)
- Development of permanent infrastructure for research and education on great ape cognition at Lund University Primate Research Station Furuvik (Tomas Persson)
- Development of touchscreen interface for cognitive testing of primates (Tomas Persson)
- DINOSAUR COGNITION - reconstructing the cradle of the avian mind (Mathias Osvath)
- Diplomatic Voices and the Media (Jana Holsanova)
- Discourse, vision and cognition (Jana Holsanova)
- Double information - more or less comprehension? Reading comprehension with and without the aid of pictures
- Dynamic Rights (David Alm)
- Dynamics of Perception and Production in Text Writing
- eSSENCE@LU 4:1 - Method development for analysis and modelling of large scale electrophysiological recordings using deep artificial neural networks (Christian Balkenius)
- eSSENCE@LU 7:4 - Method development: Analysing real life eye tracking data using realistic computational models of cognition (Annika Wallin)
- Ethics for autonomous systems/AI
- Exploring and supporting metacognitive capabilities in 3-5 year olds by means of a digital learning-game (Agneta Gulz)
- EyeLearn: Using visualizations of eye movements to enhance metacognition, motivation and learning
- Eye-tracking with great apes
- Fair and Square: An Interdisciplinary Study of Algorithmic Discrimination in Healthcare
- Filterbubblor och ideologisk segregering online: behövs reglering av sökmaskiner? (Erik J Olsson)
- First Person Singer – Pilot Study and Prototype
- From Reactive to Anticipatory Cognitive Embodied Systems
- From Shapes To Action - The narrative turn in prehistoric image-makinging in Northern Europe
- Gruppmoral och individuellt anvar (Björn Petersson)
- Håll koll på ögonen - lyssningsansträngning och svenska som andraspråk i klassrummet
- He does not care how many apples there are (Magnus Haake)
- hierarchical goal monitoring and agency
- Histories before History:Condorcet's Temporal Dimensions Reconsidered
- How do narratives and emotional content affect information processing in legal decision making
- How image content correlates with image perception (Jana Holsanova)
- How the blind audience receive and experience audio descriptions of visual events (Jana Holsanova)
- How the blind audience receive and experience audio descriptions of visual events
- How to build nice robots: ethics from theory to machine implementations (Jakob Stenseke)
- Hur uppfattas en robot?
- Ikaros: An infrastructure for system level modelling of the brain (Christian Balkenius)
- Improving Diagnosis for Children with Communicative Disorders – Digital TROG-2 (Agneta Gulz)
- Information Graphics and Eye Movements. Tracking reader's interaction with a multimodal documente genre (Jana Holsanova)
- Infrastructure consolidation for remote eye-tracking with great an lesser apes at Lund University Primate Research Station Furuvik (Tomas Persson, Gabriela-Alina Sauciuc)
- INGREDIENTS OF COMPLEX PHYSICAL COGNITION – comparisons between crow birds and great apes (Mathias Osvath)
- In Search of Search and its Engines - Theme, Pufendorf IAS (Olof Sundin)
- Instrumental and normative expectations in a social robot (Ingar Brinck)
- Intercorporeal Trust and Ethical Sense-Making in Human-Robot Interaction
- Interplay between language and visual information in communication (Jana Holsanova)
- Interpreting Events: Scene Descriptions for Blind Audiences (Jana Holsanova)
- InterResilience (Henrik Thorén)
- Intervention studies: philosophy of science, decision, and risk (Johannes Persson)
- Investigating children's ontological understanding of social artificial agents from a feminist perspective (Valentina Fantasia)
- John Williams, Moral Perfectionist
- K2D2: Knowledge & Competence – Digital Dialogue (Agneta Gulz)
- Kerstin Hesselgren Guest Professorship (Erik J Olsson)
- Knowledge and reliability: a systematic study of reliabilism (Erik J Olsson)
- Knowledge in a Digital World: Trust, Credibility and Relevance on the Web (Erik J Olsson, Olof Sundin)
- Knowledge in Social Networks (Erik J Olsson)
- Kognitiv robotik
- Language and Cognition: The Interplay between Language Production and Visual Information Gathering during Picture Descriptions (Jana Holsanova)
- Laputa meets Habermas: Epistemic Democracy for Realistic Agents
- Learning, Context and Transfer: Exploring Constraints and Affordances in the Virtual and Digital Age
- LGRP - Lund Gothenburg Responsibility Project (Paul Russell)
- Liberty of the press and freedom of speech in a digital world (Ylva von Gerber)
- Longtermism
- LUCID - Lund University Centre of Excellence for Integration of Social and Natural Dimensions of Sustainability (Johannes Persson)
- Lund Gothenburg Responsibility Project (Paul Russell)
- Lund Gothenburg Responsibility Project (Paul Russell)
- Lund Gothenburg Responsibility Project
- Matters of Art and Practice: In Dialogue with Things (RJ) (Ingar Brinck)
- Metaphysical Explanation
- Methodologies for visual communication and multimodal research (Jana Holsanova)
- Minimal Optimism: Reading P. F. Strawson on Responsibility
- Modelling Cognitive Development in Robots (Christian Balkenius)
- Moral Progress. Meaning, Measure and Method (Dan Egonsson)
- Movement matters (MoMa): Analysing kinematics of human-robots engagement in joint actions (Valentina Fantasia)
- Multimodality and timing: A Study in Audio Description (Jana Holsanova)
- Multimodal learning (Jana Holsanova)
- Multiple Windows on the Mind and Action (Jana Holsanova)
- Music Perception: Investigating musical meter processing with pupillometry (Tomas Persson, Gabriela-Alina Sauciuc)
- Narratives and the Impact of Timing of Gestures and speech on an Addressee (Agneta Gulz)
- Navigating Justice Claims: Between Riots, Strikes and Business as Usual (Eric Brandstedt)
- Neural and computational modelling of authorship judgments through choice blindness
- Non-Determinate Trade-offs in Ethics
- Non-Verbal Signals of Trust and Group Identification in Humans and Robots (Amandus Krantz)
- Number Cognition and Philosophy of Arithmetic (Erik J Olsson)
- On Conditionalism (Toni Rønnow-Rasmussen)
- On Moral Desert (David Alm)
- On Our Good Reasons (Toni Rønnow-Rasmussen)
- On Responsibility and Punishment
- On the origins of physical cognition in corvids
- PARADYS project: Images of Self and Others in Decision Making Processes (Jana Holsanova)
- Past and Present of the Enlightenment Ideas (Victoria Höög)
- Påverkan av icke- verbala faktorer och omgivningsfaktorer på barns förståelse (Agneta Gulz)
- Perfection and Fiction: A study in Iris Murdoch’s moral philosophy (Frits Gåvertsson)
- Phylogenetic reconstruction of the human skill to imagine (Tomas Persson)
- Powers and Truthmaking (Robin Stenwall)
- Precursors of Sign Use in Intersubjectivity and Imitation (PSUII)
- Predicting an uncertain future: improving the utility of computational models during a pandemic
- Prejudice: Source and Propagation
- Prototype Semantics
- Pufendorf Theme: Coastal Perspectives
- Punishment and Rights (David Alm)
- Pupillmodellering
- Pupil mimicry and human reactions
- Pyrocognition: the evolution of understanding fire and cooking (Ivo Jacobs)
- Readers' Interaction with Net Papers (Jana Holsanova)
- Reading during writing
- Reading Styles on a Newspaper Spread - semiotic analysis and eye movement analysis (Jana Holsanova)
- Reason, Blame, and Collective Harms (Mattias Gunnemyr)
- Reasons, Blame, and Collective Harms
- Reassessing Aristotelian Science
- Reference Without Representation
- Reliabilism: Its Problems and Virtues
- Remote eye-tracking with chimpanzees and orang-utans (Tomas Persson, Gabriela-Alina Sauciuc)
- Responsibility for Climate Adaptation Across Political Levels, Sectors and Public-Private Boundaries
- Revising Scanlonian Contractualism (working-title) (Martin Sjöberg)
- Risk research with focus on concept expansion and science theoretical conceptual analysis (Niklas Vareman)
- Risk, values, and decision-making in the economics of climate change: Towards a deliberative science-policy approach to the integration of diverse values in model-based climate economics
- Science and Proven Experience (Johannes Persson)
- Search Engines and the Epistemology of Relevance (Erik J Olsson)
- Seeing and Talking Maths in Games (Agneta Gulz)
- Self-Conciousness and Self-Awareness (STINT) (Ingar Brinck)
- Semantic Self-monitoring in Speech (Andreas Lind)
- Sensory biases in nonverbal communication
- Situated and Distributed Cognition: The Dependence of Thought Content on Body and Environment (HSFR) (Ingar Brinck)
- Situated and embodied approaches to human-robots interactions (Valentina Fantasia)
- Social bonding as a facilitator of intra- and cross-species imitation
- Social interaction for autonomous systems WASP-HS Topic Leader (Ingar Brinck)
- Social interaction with autonomous artefacts WASP-HS (Ingar Brinck)
- Social Ontology and Theories of Persistence (Tobias Hansson Wahlberg)
- Social robots in human environments
- Source/Claim - an empirical web survey (Ylva von Gerber)
- Space Humanities
- Stages in the Evolution and Development of Sign Use (European Commission) (Jordan Zlatev)
- Stöd för syntolkning av instruktion: verifiering av koncept (Jana Holsanova)
- Stöd för syntolkning av instruktion: verifiering av koncept (Jana Holsanova)
- Storytelling in Rock Art
- Supporting Students’ Productive Choices When Learning Gets Difficult (Agneta Gulz)
- Sustainable Distribution of Responsibility for Climate Change Adaptation
- Syntolkning - forskning och praktik
- Syntolkning och tillgänglig information/Audio description and accessible information (Jana Holsanova)
- Teaching and learning in diverse and noisy class-rooms: Taking knowledge from the lab to implementation in teacher education
- Technologically Enhanced Language learning and its Effect on the Brain
- Testing Non-experts' Intuitions in the Ethics of Self-defense
- The Case for Nonphenomenal Consciousness (Oscar Ralsmark)
- The Construction of a Sustainable Development in Times of Climate Change (Eric Brandstedt)
- The cradle of avian social cognition – the sociality of extinct dinosaurs (Mathias Osvath)
- The Cradle of Mammalian Intelligence (Mathias Osvath)
- The development of social-cognitive abilities in a Sumatran orangutan infant (Gabriela-Alina Sauciuc)
- The dynamics of knowledge: on the empirical adequacy of exact theories of the rationality of scientific change (Erik J Olsson)
- The Evolution of Executive Functions in Archosauria (Thibault Boehly)
- The Evolution of Minds: 325 million years of intelligence studied with neuroscience, cognitive zoology and palaeontology (Mathias Osvath)
- The evolution of musicality: synchronisation behaviours and rhythm perception in chimpanzees (Tomas Persson, Gabriela-Alina Sauciuc)
- The evolution of planning in Sauropsida lineage
- The existence and use of mental images (Jana Holsanova)
- The existence and use of mental images
- The impact of a presenter's dialect, gender and professional role on an addressee (Agneta Gulz)
- The importance of cognitive variation for the design of pedagogical multimedia (Agneta Gulz)
- The interplay between language and images in various media (Jana Holsanova)
- The (in)transitive structure of preferences
- the Magical Garden (Agneta Gulz)
- The Nature of Intentional Joint Action: Coordination, Responsibility and Participant ́s Knowledge (Olle Blomberg)
- The neurocognitive basis of confabulatory introspection: choice blindness and the brain
- The ontology and epistemology of mechanisms (Johannes Persson)
- "The panda wants to know how to do it and I will show her/him" - What we learn from young children's ability to take the role as teacher (Agneta Gulz)
- The philosophy and practice of improvisation (NOS-H)
- The role of local knowledge in assessments of biodiversity loss and climate change impacts
- THE SOCIAL INTELLIGENCE HYPOTHESIS AND THE EPISODIC MEMORY SYSTEM – the role of memories in the social skills of cognitively complex animals (Mathias Osvath)
- The Somerville-group and the introduction of historical arguments in philosophy
- Thinking in Time: Cognition, Communication and Learning (Peter Gärdenfors, Sven Strömqvist)
- To point and talk: How language meets the world (VR) (Ingar Brinck)
- Understanding rules: Cognitive and noncognitive models of social cognition (ESF/VR) (Ingar Brinck)
- Us and them (Jana Holsanova)
- "Us" and "Them": Treating Social and Ethnic Categories in Discourse (Jana Holsanova)
- VAAG (Peter Gärdenfors)
- Value Relations (Henrik Andersson)
- Value theory (Wlodek Rabinowicz)
- Vi lyssnar vi på oss själva för att förstå vad vi säger (Andreas Lind)
- Virtuellt klassrum som forskningsplattform
- Vision and discourse (Jana Holsanova)
- What makes baby cries impossible to ignore?
- What you say is what you did (WYSIWYD) (Peter Gärdenfors)
- Where does human cooperation come from? The evolutionary origins of the ability to infer shared goals and motivations (Gabriela-Alina Sauciuc)