- Action-Oriented Body Perception
- A Non-Doxastic Theory of Disinformation
- Ansvar för klimatanpassning över politiska nivåer, sektorsgränser och mellan offentliga och privata aktörer
- Avsiktlighet och agentperspektiv (Björn Petersson)
- Beliefs, Evidence, and the Morality of Self-defense (August Olsen)
- Climate Change and Future Generations
- Evolutionen av Exekutiv Funktioner i Arkosauria (Thibault Boehly)
- First Person Singer – Pilot Study and Prototype
- hierarchical goal monitoring and agency
- Hur påverkar känslomässiga berättelser informationssökning i juridiskt relevanta beslut
- Hur uppfattas en robot?
- Icke-verbala signaler för förtroende och gruppidentifiering i människor och robotar (Amandus Krantz)
- Intercorporeal Trust and Ethical Sense-Making in Human-Robot Interaction
- InterResilience (Henrik Thorén)
- Investigating children's ontological understanding of social artificial agents from a feminist perspective (Valentina Fantasia)
- Kognitiv epistemologi
- Kognitiv modellering
- Kognitiv robotik
- Lund Gothenburg Responsibility Project (Paul Russell)
- Moral Progress. Meaning, Measure and Method (Dan Egonsson)
- Movement matters (MoMa): Analysing kinematics of human-robots engagement in joint actions (Valentina Fantasia)
- Neural and computational modelling of authorship judgments through choice blindness
- Non-Determinate Trade-offs in Ethics
- On Conditionalism (Toni Rønnow-Rasmussen)
- On Responsibility and Punishment
- Past and Present of the Enlightenment Ideas (Victoria Höög)
- Predicting an uncertain future: improving the utility of computational models during a pandemic
- Pupillmodellering
- Pupillspegling och mänskliga reaktioner
- Reassessing Aristotelian Science
- Referens utan Representation
- Reliabilism: Its Problems and Virtues
- Revising Scanlonian Contractualism (working-title) (Martin Sjöberg)
- Risk, values, and decision-making in the economics of climate change: Towards a deliberative science-policy approach to the integration of diverse values in model-based climate economics
- Rätt och rättvist: En tvärvetenskaplig studie av algoritmisk diskriminering inom sjukvården
- Situated and embodied approaches to human-robots interactions (Valentina Fantasia)
- Social interaction for autonomous systems WASP-HS Topic Leader (Ingar Brinck)
- Social interaction with autonomous artefacts WASP-HS (Ingar Brinck)
- Space Humanities
- Syntolkning och tillgänglig information/Audio description and accessible information (Jana Holsanova)
- Technologically Enhanced Language learning and its Effect on the Brain
- The Evolution of Minds: 325 million years of intelligence studied with neuroscience, cognitive zoology and palaeontology (Mathias Osvath)
- The evolution of planning in Sauropsida lineage
- The (in)transitive structure of preferences
- The role of local knowledge in assessments of biodiversity loss and climate change impacts
- What makes baby cries impossible to ignore?