Deadline for abstract submissions: January 23, 2013

Aims of the conference
The 2013 Lund Conference on Games, Interactive Rationality, and Learning ( G.I.R.L.13@LUND) intends to bring together researchers in philosophy, cognitive science, linguistics, and economics sharing interest in agent-based modeling as a tool to investigate the emergence of rational behavior in groups of less-than-ideally rational agents, through learning, and interaction. The G.IR.L.13@LUND conference will focus on the evolution of inference, in the sense of: (i) evolutionary processes driven by natural selection, and: (ii) intra-contextual evolution of interacting agents inferences. Subject
We welcome submissions of original research, primarily on the following topics:
- Relations between ecological rationality of choice and inference heuristics, and choice-, decision- and game-theoretic axiomatic approaches to rationality;
- Models of signaling games, evolutionary games, or games with bounded agents;
- Learning-theoretic approaches of inquiry, knowledge acquisition, and reasoning;
- Single- and multi-agent simulation-based approaches to learning and decision-making. Submissions on related subjects not listed above are welcome. Submissions
Submitted abstracts will be peer-rewied and selected on the basis of their quality and relevance to the conference topics.
Please prepare a 200-400 words abstract for blind review, in .pdf format, and submit it electronically at the EasyChair account of the conference: https://www.easychair.org/conferences/?conf=girl13lund A full paper version will be due for inclusion in electronic proceedings made available before the conference (authors will retain copyrights). Please prepare papers (8-10 pages + bibliography), using the EasyChair LaTeX class (.doc is not an acceptable format). The style file can be downloaded here: http://www.easychair.org/publications/easychair.zip. The conference will hold one or two poster sessions in addition of the plenary talks, depending on the number of submissions. In case you want to submit for a poster presentation, mention on your abstract “poster presentation”, and tick the box “abstract only” in EasyChair. Previously published research is accepted for posters, provided that the abstract submitted is not the one of the paper published, and the title is changed. Submissions accepted for poster presentations will be included in a separate section of the electronic proceedings (4-6 pages extended abstract). Important dates
Deadline for submissions : January 23rd 2013
Notification of acceptance : February 22nd 2013
Final camera-ready submission due : March 22nd 2013
Date of the conference : April 23-26th 2013. Keynote speakers
Amanda Friedenberg
(Arizona State University, Dpt. of Economics)
Peter Gärdenfors (Lund University, Dpt. of Philosophy (Cognitive Science))
Ruth Millikan (Univ. of Connecticut, Dpt. of Philosophy)
Brian Skyrms (Univ. of California at Irvine, Dpt. of Logic & Philosophy of Science)
  • Alexandru Baltag (University of Amsterdam, Institute for Logic, Language & Computation)
  • Ingar Brinck (University of Lund, Dpt. of Philosophy)
  • Catarina Dutilh Novaes (University of Groningen, Dpt. of Philosophy) (pending confirmation)
  • Nina Gierasimczuk (University of Amsterdam, Institute for Logic, Language & Computation)
  • Kevin T. Kelly (Carnegie-Mellon University, Center for Formal Epistemology)
  • Erik J. Olsson (University of Lund, Dpt. of Philosophy)
  • Sonja Smets (University of Amsterdam, Institute for Logic, Language & Computation)
  • Iris van Rooij (Radboud University, Nijmegen, Dpt. of Artificial Intelligence & Donders Institute for Brain, Cognition and Behavior)
  • Patrick Blackburn (Dpt. of Philosophy and Science Studies, Centre for Culture and Identity, University of Roskilde)
  • Karine Fradet (Dpt. of Philosophy, University of Montréal)
  • Nina Gierasimczuk (Institute for Logic, Language & Computation, University of Amsterdam)
  • Valentin Goranko (Dpt. of Informatics and Mathematical Modelling, Technical University of Denmark)
  • Jens Ulrik Hansen (Dpt. of Philosophy, University of Lund)
  • Ole Thomassen Hjortland (Munich Center for Mathematical Philosophy, Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität)
  • Jennifer Jhun (Dpt. of Philosophy, University of Pittsburgh)
  • Conor Mayo-Wilson (Dpt. of Philosophy, Carnegie Mellon University)
  • Erik Molhin (Nuffield College and Dpt. of Economics, University of Oxford)
  • Cailin O’ Connor (Dpt. of Logic & Philosophy of Science, University of California, Irvine)
  • Ruth Proposki (Eberly Center for Teaching Excellence, Carnegie Mellon University)
  • Rasmus K. Rendsvig (Dpt. of Philosophy, University of Copenhagen)
  • Patricia Rich (Dpt. of Philosophy, Carnegie Mellon University)
  • Maria Spychalska (Dpt. of Philosophy, Philosophy of Language and Cognition, Ruhr University of Bochum)
  • Marta Sznajder (Munich Center for Mathematical Philosophy, Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität)
  • Elliott Wagner (Institute for Logic, Language & Computation, University of Amsterdam)
  • Annika Wallin (Dpt. of Cognitive Science, University of Lund)


There are no registration fees, however you will be asked to register for meals.
Lunch will be catered in the Kungshuset, as well as the conference dinner on April 24.
Please register for the conference meals here, no later than April 15.
  • Emmanuel Genot
  • Justine Jacot
  • Philip Pärnamets
Sidansvarig: anna.ostbergfil.luse | 2013-04-22