Editorships (page 4 of 4)
- Bremer, B. & Sahlin, N.-E. (1994). (Eds.) Future risks and risk management. Technology, risk and society, 9. Springer.
- Andersson, ?. E. & Sahlin, N.-E. (1993). (Eds.) Huvudinnehåll : 12 filosofiska uppsatser. Bokförlaget Nya Doxa.
- Gärdenfors, P. & Sahlin, N.-E. (1988). (Eds.) Decision, Probability, and Utility : Selected Readings. Cambridge University Press.
- Gärdenfors, P., Hansson, B. & Sahlin, N.-E. (1983). (Eds.) Evidentiary value : philosophical, judicial and psychological aspects of a theory : essays dedicated to Sören Halldén on his sixtieth birthday. Library of Theoria, 15. CWK Gleerup.