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Rooms for reflection and contemplation

Rooms for reflection and contemplation are non-bookable spaces within the University that provide opportunities for meditation, reflection or prayer. The rooms are open to students and staff of the University, regardless of faith or belief. The University's rooms for reflection and contemplation can be used for a variety of activities that require particular silence, such as meditation, prayer and - 2024-11-12

Polska: Nybörjarkurs II

I kursen ges en påbyggnad av vokabulär och grammatiska strukturer i polska genom studier av förenklade texter. Kursens syfte är att ge dels språkfärdighetsträning, dels fördjupade kunskaper om det polska språket, samhället och vardagslivet. Kunskapsprov Om du har förkunskaper i polska och önskar söka till vår Nybörjarkurs II, dvs POLB20, finns det ett tillfälle att göra ett kunskapsprov - förThe course provides students with further training in vocabulary and grammatical structures in Polish through studies of simplified texts. The course aims to provide both language proficiency training and advanced knowledge of the Polish language, society and everyday life. Proficiency test If you have elementary knowledge in Polish, but lack academic credits, there will be a diagnostic test here

Ukrainska: Nybörjarkurs II

Kursen bygger på ett studium av förenklade texter och dialoger på ukrainska med påbyggnad av vokabulär och grundläggande grammatiska strukturer. Kursen innehåller kommunikativa övningar och enkla skrivövningar av vardagskaraktär. Kursens syfte är att ge dels språkfärdighetsträning, dels fördjupade kunskaper om det ukrainska språket, samhället och vardagslivet. Kunskapsprov Om du har förkunskaper iThe course is based on a study of simplified texts and dialogues in Ukrainian with a further study of vocabulary and basic grammatical structures. The course contains communicative and simple written exercises based on everyday situations. The course aims to provide both language proficiency training and advanced knowledge of the Ukrainian language, society and everyday life. Proficiency test If y

Astronomi: Introduktion till astrofysiken

Kursen ger en översikt av modern astronomi, dess forskningsmetoder och resultat, där fysikaliska lagar sätts in i sitt sammanhang för att ge en helhetsbild av vår nutida uppfattning om universum, dess uppkomst och utveckling. I kursen behandlas olika delområden av astronomin, såsom astronomiska instrument och observationsmetoder, stjärnornas egenskaper, rörelse, stjärnors bildande och utveckling, The course presents an overview of modern astronomy. The items discussed are: Basic astronomical concepts. The starry sky and how it moves. Astronomical instruments and methods of observation. The Solar System and other planetary systems. The distances and movements of stars. The energy sources and evolution of the Sun and other stars. The interstellar space. The Milky Way and other galax

Astronomi: Dynamisk astronomi

The course contains the following parts: Newtonian gravitation and dynamics. Reference systems and units. Galactic coordinates. Astrometry and the determination of the distance, the motion and distribution. The HR-diagram and the stellar colours, luminosities and ages of stars. Stellar kinematics. Circular motions. The motion of the sun and the local velocit

Öst- och centraleuropakunskap: Centraleuropa efter järnridåns fall (Polen, Tjeckien, Slovakien, Ungern)

Kursen ger dig en översikt i fråga om Polens, Tjeckiens, Slovakiens och Ungerns postkommunistiska samhällsutveckling. De viktigaste politiska och kulturella tendenserna som genomsyrade Centraleuropa efter järnridåns fall kommer att problematiseras och diskuteras. Du får möjlighet att fördjupa dig i specifika frågor rörande nationella och etniska identiteter, demokratiseringsprocess och övergång tiThe course provides an overview of the post-communist development of the societies of Central Europe, i.e. Poland, Slovakia, Hungary and the Czech Republic. The key political and cultural tendencies permeating Central Europe after the fall of the Berlin Wall are problematised and discussed, as is the question of the region's role as a potential bridge between East and West and North and South. A s

Nationalism and Communism in Central Europe (Poland, Czech Republic, Slovakia, Hungary)

Kursen inleds med en teoretisk granskning av begreppen nationalism och kommunism, de dominerande ideologierna under 1900-talet i Centraleuropa, det vill säga Polen, Tjeckien, Slovakien, Ungern. Därefter studeras nationalismens och kommunismens uppkomst, utveckling och nutida arv i regionen. Olika konkreta fall av nationalismens och kommunismens uttryck i Centraleuropa så som bildandet av nya natiThe course will discuss the emergence, development and contemporary legacy of nationalism and communism as the two major political ideologies in the twentieth century Central Europe. A particular focus will be directed towards Poland, Czech Republic, Slovakia and Hungary. Communism will be further explored as a political and cultural system that dominated the societal transformation of these stat

Energi och hållbarhet

A particular focus is put on energy transitions, including both societal and environmental dimensions. In this context we will discuss for example energy justice dimensions and spatial aspects (land demand) in the context of the transition. Further the course will examine the present debate regarding energy demand, energy efficiency and energy end-use technology status and potential, as well as iA particular focus is put on energy transitions, including both societal and environmental dimensions. In this context we will discuss for example energy justice dimensions and spatial aspects (land demand) in the context of the transition. Further the course will examine the present debate regarding energy demand, energy efficiency and energy end-use technology status and potential, as well as i

Engelska: Kandidatkurs (61-75)

I Lund kan du läsa kandidatkursen i engelska med antingen språkvetenskaplig eller litteraturvetenskaplig inriktning. Detta val behöver du dock inte göra förrän kursen redan har börjat, men det kan vara bra att börja tänka i dessa banor redan innan kursen har börjat. Denna kurs (ENGH15) innehåller ingen kandidatuppsats, utan kandidatuppsatsen skrivs först när du läser ENGK06. Eftersom undervisninAt Lund University you get a BA in either English linguistics or English literature. However, your do not need to choose your specialisation before the start of the course, and you will get more information in the intro meeting. It may be a good idea, though, to start thinking about this choice as early as possible. Please note that you do not write your BA dissertation (degree project) during th

Engelska: Kandidatkurs

Detta är kandidatkursen i engelska, alltså den kurs du måste avsluta om du vill kunna ta ut en kandidatexamen med engelska som huvudämne. En kandidatexamen är nödvändig om du vill gå vidare till avancerad nivå och ta en masterexamen. I Lund kan du läsa kandidatkursen i engelska med antingen språkvetenskaplig eller litteraturvetenskaplig inriktning. Detta val behöver du dock inte göra förrän kursenThis is the BA course in English, that is, the course you need to finish in order to be able to get a BA (bachelor's degree) in English. You need a BA in order to go on to get an MA (master's degree). At Lund University you get a BA in either English linguistics or English literature. However, your do not need to choose your specialisation before the start of the course, and you will get more info

Engelska: Fortsättningskurs

När du har avslutat grundkursen i engelska (ENGA04), blir du behörig till fortsättningskursen (ENGA22). Denna kurs är mer avancerad än grundkursen och den akademiska nivån är högre. Att läsa fortsättningskursen i engelska är ett naturligt steg för den som vill bli riktigt duktig på engelska och som dessutom har ett intresse av att lära sig mer om engelska och engelskspråkig litteratur.  Du soWhen you have finished English: Level 1 (ENGA04) you will be eligible for English: Level 2 (ENGA22). This course is more advanced than English: Level 1, and the academic level is higher. You learn more about English linguistics and literature, but you also improve your spoken and written English. Your vocabulary gets even larger, just like your English proficiency in general. Taking English: Level

Engelska: Fortsättningskurs (31-45)

När du har läst grundkursen i engelska (ENGA04, alternativt ENGH11 och ENGH12), blir du behörig till den här fortsättningskursen på halvfart (15hp per termin). Notera dock att studietakten varierar under terminen, vilket beskrivs närmare under rubriken Kursens innehåll.  Denna kurs är mer avancerad än grundkursen och den akademiska nivån är högre. På denna kurs lär du dig mer om vaWhen you have finished English level 1 (ENGA04, or the two half-time courses ENGH11 and ENGH12), you may continue to take this continuation course at half-time speed (15 credits per semester). Note, however, that the speed at which you study varies across the semester, as described in more detail under the heading The contents of the course (English 31-45).  This course is more adv

Svenska som främmande språk: Nybörjarkurs 2

The course is structured in accordance with the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR). The teaching aims to provide the students with the knowledge and skills required to achieve language proficiency in Swedish equivalent to level A2. The course consists of teaching and practical exercises dealing with Swedish vocabulary, pronunciation and sentence structure. Furthermore, texThe course is structured in accordance with the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR). The teaching aims to provide the students with the knowledge and skills required to achieve language proficiency in Swedish equivalent to level A2. The course consists of teaching and practical exercises dealing with Swedish vocabulary, pronunciation and sentence structure. Furthermore, tex

Svenska som främmande språk: Nybörjarkurs 3

The course is structured in accordance with the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR). The teaching aims to provide the students with the knowledge and skills required to achieve language proficiency in Swedish equivalent to level B1:1. The course consists of teaching and practical exercises dealing with Swedish vocabulary, pronunciation and sentence structure. Furthermore, tThe course is structured in accordance with the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR). The teaching aims to provide the students with the knowledge and skills required to achieve language proficiency in Swedish equivalent to level B1:1. The course consists of teaching and practical exercises dealing with Swedish vocabulary, pronunciation and sentence structure. Furthermore, t

Svenska som främmande språk: Nybörjarkurs 4

The course is structured in accordance with the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR). The teaching aims to provide the students with the knowledge and skills required to achieve language proficiency in Swedish equivalent to level B1:2. The course consists of teaching and practical exercises dealing with Swedish vocabulary, pronunciation and sentence structure. Furthermore, tThe course is structured in accordance with the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR). The teaching aims to provide the students with the knowledge and skills required to achieve language proficiency in Swedish equivalent to level B1:2. The course consists of teaching and practical exercises dealing with Swedish vocabulary, pronunciation and sentence structure. Furthermore, t

Svenska som främmande språk: Nybörjarkurs 1

The course Swedish as a Foreign Language: Beginner's course 1 (7.5 credits) is designed for those who are interested in acquiring and developing Swedish language skills and are interested in taking a language course with a rapid progression. By the end of the course you will be able to: Ask and respond to simple, routine and predictable questions Write short sentences with simple phrases about The course Swedish as a Foreign Language: Beginner's course 1 (7.5 credits) is designed for those who are interested in acquiring and developing Swedish language skills and are interested in taking a language course with a rapid progression. By the end of the course you will be able to: Ask and respond to simple, routine and predictable questions Write short sentences with simple phrases about

Kansli HT

The Faculty Office provides service to joint boards and committees at the Joint Faculties of Humanities and Theology, and to the Central management at Lund university. An important task of the Faculty Office is to co-ordinate and assist our departments within the decentralised administrative structure of Lund University. The Faculty Office also has broad knowledge concerning legislation, rules and