Artiklar (sida 10 av 49)
- Blomberg, O. (2021). Intentional cooperation and acting as part of a single body. Mind & Language, 36, 264-284. Wiley-Blackwell.
- Bobrowicz, K., O'Hara, M., Carminito, C., Auersperg, A. M. I. & Osvath, M. (2021). Goffin's Cockatoos (Cacatua goffiniana) Can Solve a Novel Problem After Conflicting Past Experiences. Frontiers in Psychology. Frontiers Media S. A..
- Brala-Vukanovi, M., Gärdenfors, P. & Matešic, M. (2021). SLICNOST ISKAZANA ZAMJENICAMA I ZAMJENICKIM PRILOZIMA U HRVATSKOME JEZIKU : KVALITATIVNE, KVANTITATIVNE I INE ODREDNICE. Fluminensia, 33, 387-416. University of Rijeka.
- Brännström, J., Rudner, M., Carlie, J., Sahlén, B., Gulz, A., Andersson, K. & Johansson, R. (2021). Listening effort and fatigue in native and non-native primary school children. Journal of Experimental Child Psychology, 210. Elsevier.
- Båve, A. (2021). Problems for Russellian act-type theories. Inquiry (United Kingdom). Routledge.
- Carlie, J., Sahlén, B., Nirme, J., Andersson, K., Rudner, M., Johansson, R., Gulz, A. & Brännström, J. (2021). Development of an Auditory Passage Comprehension Task for Swedish Primary School Children of Cultural and Linguistic Diversity. Journal of Speech, Language, and Hearing Research, 64. American Speech-Language-Hearing Association.
- Dewitt, B., Persson, J., Wahlberg, L. & Wallin, A. (2021). The epistemic roles of clinical expertise : An empirical study of how Swedish healthcare professionals understand proven experience. PLoS ONE, 16. Public Library of Science (PLoS).
- Eslami, S. M. & Egonsson, D. (2021). Progress on the Problem of Evil. International Journal of Philosophical Studies, 29, 221-235. Routledge.
- Franken, M. K., Hartsuiker, R. J., Johansson, P., Hall, L. & Lind, A. (2021). Speaking with an alien voice : Flexible sense of agency during vocal production. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance, 47, 479-494. American Psychological Association (APA).
- Genot, E. J. (2021). The Holmesian logician : Sherlock Holmes’ “Science of Deduction and Analysis” and the logic of discovery. Synthese, 198, 10169-10186. Springer.
- Gharaee, Z. (2021). Online recognition of unsegmented actions with hierarchical SOM architecture. Cognitive Processing, 22, 77-91. Springer.
- Gidlöf, K., Stoltenberg Lahm, E., Wallin, A. & Otterbring, T. (2021). Eco depletion : The impact of hunger on prosociality by means of environmentally friendly attitudes and behavior. Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services, 62. Elsevier.
- Goupil, L., Johansson, P., Hall, L. & Aucouturier, J. J. (2021). Vocal signals only impact speakers’ own emotions when they are self-attributed. Consciousness and Cognition, 88. Elsevier.
- Green, F. & Brandstedt, E. (2021). Engaged Climate Ethics. Journal of Political Philosophy, 29, 539-563. Wiley-Blackwell.
- Gärdenfors, P. (2021). Causal reasoning and event cognition as evolutionary determinants of language structure. Entropy, 23. MDPI AG.
- Gärdenfors, P. (2021). Demonstration and pantomime in the evolution of teaching and communication. Language and Communication, 80, 71-79. Elsevier.
- Gärdenfors, P. & Quinon, P. (2021). Situated Counting. Review of Philosophy and Psychology, 12, 721-744. Springer.
- Halder, A., Nordin, A., Miller, M., Kuklane, K., Nirme, J. & Gao, C. (2021). Effects of leg fatigue due to exhaustive stair climbing on gait biomechanics while walking up a 10˚ incline – implications for evacuation and work safety. Fire Safety Journal. Elsevier.
- Hansson Wahlberg, T. (2021). The Creation of Institutional Reality, Special Theory of Relativity, and Mere Cambridge Change. Synthese, 198, 5835-5860. Springer.
- Holsanova, J. (2021). Audio Description of Art : The Role of Mental Imagery and Embodiment. Lund University Cognitive Studies, 1-19. Lund University Cognitive Studies.
- Jacobs, I., von Bayern, A. & Osvath, M. (2021). Tools and food on heat lamps: pyrocognitive sparks in New Caledonian crows?. Behaviour, 159-602, 591-602. Brill.
- Kirkeby-Hinrup, A. & Fazekas, P. (2021). Consciousness and inference to the best explanation : Compiling empirical evidence supporting the access-phenomenal distinction and the overflow hypothesis. Consciousness and Cognition, 94. Elsevier.
- Lima, C., Arriaga, P., Anikin, A., Pires, A. R., Frade, S., Neves, L. & Scott, S. (2021). Authentic and posed emotional vocalizations trigger distinct facial responses. Cortex, 141, 280-292. Elsevier.
- Malmqvist, E. & Szigeti, A. (2021). Exploitation and Remedial Duties. Journal of Applied Philosophy, 38, 55-72. Wiley.
- Olsson, P., Lind, O., Mitkus, M., Delhey, K. & Kelber, A. (2021). Lens and cornea limit UV vision of birds – a phylogenetic perspective. Journal of Experimental Biology, 224. The Company of Biologists Ltd.