Artiklar (sida 2 av 49)
- Garcia, A. (2024). On Neutral Value and Fitting Indifference. The Southern Journal of Philosophy, 62, 337-347. Wiley-Blackwell.
- Garcia, A. & Braun, B. (2024). Reconciling the deprivation account with the final badness of death. Journal of Value Inquiry, 58, 615-628. Springer.
- Gerlee, P., Thorén, H., Saxne Jöud, A., Lundh, T., Spreco, A., Nordlund, A., Brezicka, T., Britton, T., Kjellberg, M., Källberg, H., Tegnell, A., Brouwers, L. & Timpka, T. (2024). Evaluation and communication of pandemic scenarios. The Lancet Digital Health, 6, 543-544. Elsevier.
- Gulz, A. & Haake, M. (2024). Scaffolding attention and perseverance skills in a diverse population of preschool children in Sweden. Learning and Individual Differences, 113. Pergamon Press Ltd..
- Gunnemyr, M. (2024). Making a vague difference : Kagan, Nefsky and the Sorites Paradox. Inquiry (United Kingdom), 67, 3501-3526. Routledge.
- Gärdenfors, P. (2024). Event structure, force dynamics and verb semantics. Language Sciences, 102. Elsevier.
- Gärdenfors, P. (2024). Natural Concepts and the Economics of Cognition and Communication. Philosophia (United States), 52, 865-882. Springer.
- Gärdenfors, P. (2024). The Geometry and Dynamics of Meaning. Topics in Cognitive Science. Wiley.
- Gärdenfors, P. & Lombard, M. (2024). Agency at a distance : learning causal connections. Phenomenology and the Cognitive Sciences. Springer.
- Gärdenfors, P. & Osta-Vélez, M. (2024). Generics as Expectations : Typicality and Diagnosticity. Ratio. Wiley-Blackwell.
- Hedlund, M. & Persson, E. (2024). Expert responsibility in AI development. AI & Society: Knowledge, Culture and Communication, 39, 453-464. Springer.
- Hedlund, M. & Persson, E. (2024). The Trolley Problem and Isaac Asimov's First Law of Robotics. Journal of Science Fiction and Philosophy, 7.
- Henriks, S., Harring, N. & Droste, N. (2024). Voters do not punish their government for climate policies under favorable conditions. Environmental Politics. Taylor & Francis.
- Herlitz, A. (2024). Global health impact, priority and time. Developing World Bioethics, 24, 15-20. Wiley-Blackwell.
- Herlitz, A. (2024). Incommensurability and healthcare priority setting. Philosophical Studies, 181, 3347-3365. Springer.
- Herlitz, A. (2024). Incommensurability and population-level bioethics. Philosophical Studies, 181, 3219-3234. Springer.
- Himes, A., Muraca, B., Anderson, C. B., Anthayde, S., Beery, T., Cantú-Fernández, M., González-Jiménez, D., Gould, R. K., Hejnowicz, A. P., Kenter, J., Lenzi, D., Murali, R., Pascual, U., Raymond, C., Ring, A., Russo, K., Samakov, A., Stålhammar, S., Thorén, H. & Zent, E. (2024). Why nature matters : A systematic review of intrinsic, instrumental, and relational values. BioScience, 74, 25-43. Oxford University Press.
- Högberg, A., Lombard, M., Högberg, A., Iliefski-Janols, E., Lindblad, G., Almér, A., Thompson, W. H., Rost, M., Andreasson, S., Wiig, A. & Gärdenfors, P. (2024). Human socio-technical evolution through the lens of an abstracted-wheel experiment : A critical look at a micro-society laboratory study. PLoS ONE, 19. Public Library of Science (PLoS).
- Jensen, T. R., Anikin, A., Osvath, M. & Reber, S. A. (2024). Knowing a fellow by their bellow : acoustic individuality in the bellows of the American alligator. Animal Behaviour, 207, 157-167. Elsevier.
- Johansson Werkmäster, M. & Werkmäster, J. (2024). Rejecting norms of standing for private blame. Ratio. Wiley-Blackwell.
- Johansson, R., Rastegar, T., Lyberg Åhlander, V. & Holsanova, J. (2024). Event boundary perception in audio described films by people without sight. Applied Cognitive Psychology, 38. John Wiley & Sons Inc..
- Jonbäck, F. & Palmqvist, C.-J. (2024). Between Belief and Disbelief, Between Religion and Secularity : Introducing Non-Doxasticism and Semi-Secularity in Worldview Education. British Journal of Religious Education, 46, 109-121. Routledge.
- Jönsson, M. (2024). On the Prerequisites for Improving Prejudiced Ranking(s) with Individual and Post Hoc Interventions. Erkenntnis, 89, 997-1016. Springer.
- Jönsson, M. & Hågemark, H. (2024). What we mean as what we said or would have said. Synthese, 204. Springer.
- Kirkeby-Hinrup, A. (2024). Interdisciplinary consciousness studies need philosophy of science. Filosofiska notiser, 11, 3-18.