Artiklar (sida 31 av 48)
- Agnafors, M. (2013). Quality of Government: Toward a More Complex Definition. American Political Science Review, 107, 433-445. Cambridge University Press.
- Alm, D. (2013). Manipulation, Responsibility and Rights. Journal of Value Inquiry, 47, 1-15. Springer.
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- Antfolk, C., Cipriani, C., Carozza, M. C., Balkenius, C., Björkman, A., Lundborg, G., Rosén, B. & Sebelius, F. (2013). Transfer of tactile input from an artificial hand to the forearm: experiments in amputees and able-bodied volunteers. Disability and Rehabilitation: Assistive Technology, 8, 249-254. Taylor & Francis.
- Brinck, I. & Liljenfors, R. (2013). Reply to commentaries. Infant and Child Development, 22, 111-117. John Wiley & Sons Inc..
- Brinck, I. & Liljenfors, R. (2013). The developmental origin of metacognition. Infant and Child Development, 22, 85-101. John Wiley & Sons Inc..
- Christoff, Z. & Hansen, J. U. (2013). A two-tiered formalization of social influence. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 8196, 68-81. Springer.
- Dutant, J. & Olsson, E. J. (2013). Is There a Statistical Solution to the Generality Problem?. Erkenntnis, 78, 1347-1365. Springer.
- Enqvist, S. (2013). A general Lindström theorem for some normal modal logics. Logica Universalis. Birkhäuser.
- Eriksson, L. & Rabinowicz, W. (2013). The interference problem for the betting interpretation of degrees of belief. Synthese, 190, 809-830. Springer.
- Gidlöf, K., Wallin, A., Dewhurst, R. & Holmqvist, K. (2013). Using eye-tracking to trace a cognitive process: Gaze behavior during decision making in a natural environment. Journal of Eye Movement Research, 6, 3-14. European Group for Eye Movement Research.
- Gidlöf, K., Wallin, A., Peter, M.-H. & Holmqvist, K. (2013). Material distortion of economic behavior and everyday decision making. Journal of Consumer Policy, 36, 389-402. Springer.
- Girela, J. L., Gil, D., Johnsson, M., Gomez-Torres, M. J. & De Juan, J. (2013). Semen Parameters Can Be Predicted from Environmental Factors and Lifestyle Using Artificial Intelligence Methods. Biology of Reproduction, 88, 99-99. Oxford University Press.
- Gärdenfors, P. & Löhndorf, S. (2013). What is a domain? Dimensional structures versus meronomic relations. Cognitive Linguistics, 24, 437-456. Mouton de Gruyter.
- Gärdenfors, P. & Zenker, F. (2013). Theory change as dimensional change: Conceptual spaces applied to the dynamics of empirical theories. Synthese, 190, 1039-1058. Springer.
- Hall, L., Strandberg, T., Pärnamets, P., Lind, A., Tärning, B. & Johansson, P. (2013). How the polls can be both spot on and dead wrong: using choice blindness to shift political attitudes and voter intentions. PLoS ONE, 8. Public Library of Science (PLoS).
- Ingthorsson, R. (2013). Properties: Qualities, Powers, or Both?. Dialectica, 67, 55-80. Wiley-Blackwell.
- Jönsson, M. (2013). A Reliabilism Built on Cognitive Convergence: An Emperically Grounded Solution to the Generality Problem. Episteme, 10, 241-268. Edinburgh University Press.
- Jönsson, M. & Assarsson, E. (2013). Shogenji's Measure of Justification and the Inverse Conjunction Fallacy. Synthese, 190, 3075-3085. Springer.
- Lansner, A., Marklund, P., Sikström, S. & Nilsson, L.-G. (2013). Reactivation in Working Memory: An Attractor Network Model of Free Recall. PLoS ONE, 8. Public Library of Science (PLoS).
- Lo Presti, P. (2013). Situating Norms and Jointness of Social Interaction. Cosmos and History: The Journal of Natural and Social Philosophy, 9, 225-248. Open Humanities Press.
- Lo Presti, P. (2013). Social Ontology and Social Cognition. Abstracta: Linguagem, Mente e Ação, 7, 5-17. Düsseldorf University Press.
- Lo Presti, P. (2013). The 'We' that bear the burden of the European Dilemma - Can 'We' together?. Collegium: Studies Across Disciplines in the Humanities and Social Sciences, 14, 181-209. Helsinki Collegium for Advanced Studies.
- Madsen, E. & Persson, T. (2013). Contagious yawning in domestic dog puppies (Canis lupus familiaris): The effect of ontogeny and emotional closeness on low-level imitation in dogs. Animal Cognition, 16, 233-240. Springer.
- Madsen, E., Persson, T., Sayehli, S., Lenninger, S. & Sonesson, G. (2013). Chimpanzees show a developmental increase in susceptibility to contagious yawning: A test of the effect of ontogeny and emotional closeness on yawn contagion. PLoS ONE, 8. Public Library of Science (PLoS).