Bokkapitel (sida 19 av 19)
- Gärdenfors, P. & Sahlin, N.-E. (1987). Decision making with unreliable probabilities. I Sage, A. P. (Red.) System Design and Human Interaction (pp. 102-121). IEEE - Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc..
- Freeling, A. & Sahlin, N.-E. (1983). Combining evidence. I Gärdenfors, P., Hansson, B. & Sahlin, N.-E. (Red.) Evidentiary value : philosophical, judicial and psychological aspects of a theory : essays dedicated to Sören Halldén on his sixtieth birthday (pp. 58-74), 15. CWK Gleerup.
- Sahlin, N.-E. (1983). Do people combine evidence according to an evidentiary value model?. I Gärdenfors, P., Hansson, B. & Sahlin, N.-E. (Red.) Evidentiary value : philosophical, judicial and psychological aspects of a theory : essays dedicated to Sören Halldén on his sixtieth birthday (pp. 98-103), 15. CWK Gleerup.
- Sahlin, N.-E. (1983). On second order probabilities and the notion of epistemic risk. I Stigum, B., Wenstøp, F. & Reidel, D. (Red.) Foundations of Utility and Risk Theory with Applications (pp. 95-104), 37. Springer.
- Sahlin, N.-E. & Goldsmith, R. (1983). The role of second-order probabilities in decision making. I Humphreys, P., Svensson, O. & Vari, A. (Red.) Analysing and Aiding Decision Processes (pp. 455-467), 14. North-Holland.