Working papers (sida 1 av 3)
- Anikin, A., Valente, D., Pisanski, K., Cornec, C., Bryant, G. & Reby, D. (2023). The role of loudness in vocal intimidation. PsyArXiv.
- Genot, E. J. (2023). A “Game of Like” : Online Social Network Sharing As Strategic Interaction.
- Johansson, R., Rastegar, T., Lyberg Åhlander, V. & Holsanova, J. (2023). Event boundary perception among the visually impaired in audio described films. PsyArXiv.
- Lyberg Åhlander, V., Holsanova, J. & Johansson, R. (2023). The Influence of Narrative Specificity and Voice Quality when Listening to Audio Descriptions : a Comparison of the Sighted and the Blind. PsyArXiv.
- Andersson, H. & Herlitz, A. (2021). Classifying comparability problems in a way that matters. Working papers 2021:11-23, 2021. Institute for Futures Studies.
- Jacobs, I., Persson, T., Sauciuc, G.-A. & Zablocki-Thomas, P. (2021). The evolution of primate short-term memory. PsyArXiv.
- Enqvist, S., Seifan, F. & Venema, Y. (2015). Expressiveness of the modal mu-calculus on monotone neighborhood structures.
- Olsson, E. J. & Proietti, C. (2015). Promoting the best as an incentive : reply to Pluchino et al. on the Peter Principle.
- Stenwall, R. (2015). Grounding Truth in Causal Facta.
- Genot, E. & Gulz, A. (2014). Madness in the Method: A Paradox of Inquiry Learning.
- Jacot, J. & Gärdenfors, P. (2014). Do we speak of the same witch? How minds can meet on intentional identity.
- Rønnow-Rasmussen, T. (2014). Konjunktiva fakta och distinktionen mellan agent-neutrala och relativa skäl. Lund University.
- Stenwall, R. (2014). Are Belief Reports Made True Internally?.
- Storm, T., Engberg, M. & Balkenius, C. (2013). Amygdala activity and flashbacks in PTSD – A review. Lund University Cognitive Studies, 156. Lund University.
- Gärdenfors, P. & Hansson, S. O. (2012). ”David Makinson and the extension of classical logic”.
- Hansson, B. (2007). The two tasks of epistemology—an impossibility theorem. Department of Philosophy, Lund University.
- Höög, V. (2007). The Philosophy of Maps. Reality and Representation in Pre- and Postmodern Times.
- Persson, J. (2007). The Best Swimmers Drown – Mechanisms and Epistemic Risks: A constructive critique of Elster. Hommage à Wlodek. Philosophical papers dedicated to Wlodek Rabinowicz.
- Brinck, I. (2006). The origin and essence of linguistic reference. Lund Philosophy Preprints.
- Stenwall, R. (2006). From Logical Positivism Back to Bishop Berkeley.
- Gulz, A. (2005). Benefits of character enhancement of electronic learning environments – a cognitive style perspective.
- Stenwall, R. (2005). Shoemaker Revisited.
- Holsanova, J. & Wästerfors, D. (2004). Could you be more specific? Examples as crucial rhetorical tools in discourse on 'others'. CFE Working Paper Series ; 26.
- Stenwall, R. (2004). Where Essence and Modality Coincides.
- Sahlin, N.-E. (2003). Varför skall vi minnas våra beslut?.