Articles (page 13 of 49)
- Fröhlich, M., Müller, G., Zeiträg, C., Wittig, R. M. & Pika, S. (2020). Begging and social tolerance : Food solicitation tactics in young chimpanzees (Pan troglodytes) in the wild. Evolution and Human Behavior, 41, 126-135. Elsevier.
- Garcia, A. G. & Green Werkmäster, J. (2020). Toward a Reasons-First View of Normative Background Conditions. Philosophia, 48, 981-992. Springer.
- Gardenfors, P. (2020). An Epigenetic Approach to Semantic Categories. IEEE Transactions on Cognitive and Developmental Systems, 12, 139-147. IEEE - Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc..
- Genot, E. J. & Jacot, J. (2020). The brain attics : the strategic role of memory in single and multi-agent inquiry. Synthese, 197, 1203-1224. Springer.
- Gharaee, Z. (2020). Hierarchical growing grid networks for skeleton based action recognition. Cognitive Systems Research, 63, 11-29. Elsevier.
- Gulz, A., Kjällander, S., Frankenberg, S. & Haake, M. (2020). Early Math in a Preschool Context : Spontaneous Extension of the Digital into the Physical. Interaction Design and Architecture(s), 44, 129-154. Scuola IaD.
- Gulz, A., Londos, L. & Haake, M. (2020). Preschoolers’ Understanding of a Teachable Agent-Based Game in Early Mathematics as Reflected in their Gaze Behaviors – : an Experimental Study. International Journal of Artificial Intelligence in Education. International AIED Society.
- Gunnemyr, M. (2020). Why the Social Connection Model Fails : Participation is Neither Necessary nor Sufficient for Political Responsibility. Hypatia, 35, 567-586. Wiley-Blackwell.
- Gustafsson, J. E. & Rabinowicz, W. (2020). A Simpler, More Compelling Money Pump with Foresight. The Journal of Philosophy, 117, 578-589. Journal of Philosophy, Inc..
- Gåvertsson, F. (2020). Platonic Perfectionism in John Williams’ Stoner. SATS Northern European Journal of Philosophy, 21, 39-60. De Gruyter.
- Gåvertsson, F. (2020). Readings, reconstructions, and reception : Three case studies of Anglophone reception of Cartesian ethics. Lychnos: årsbok för idé- och lärdomshistoria, 2020, 13-32. Lärdomshistoriska samfundet, Uppsala universitet.
- Gärdenfors, P. (2020). Events and Causal Mappings Modeled in Conceptual Spaces. Frontiers in Psychology, 11. Frontiers Media S. A..
- Gärdenfors, P. (2020). Primary Cognitive Categories Are Determined by Their Invariances. Frontiers in Psychology, 11. Frontiers Media S. A..
- Gärdenfors, P. & Douven, I. (2020). What are natural concepts? A design perspective. Mind and Language, 35, 313-334. Wiley-Blackwell.
- Gärdenfors, P. & Lombard, M. (2020). Technology led to more abstract causal reasoning. Biology and Philosophy, 35. Springer.
- Gärdenfors, P., Högberg, A. & Lombard, M. (2020). Where does the elephant come from? The evolution of causal cognition is the key. The Behavioral and brain sciences, 43. Cambridge University Press.
- Hahn, U., Hansen, J. U. & Olsson, E. J. (2020). Truth Tracking Performance of Social Networks: How Connectivity and Clustering Can Make Groups Less Competent. Synthese, 197, 1511-1541. Springer.
- Hansson Wahlberg, T. (2020). Causal Powers and Social Ontology. Synthese, 197, 1357-1377. Springer.
- Holsanova, J. (2020). Att beskriva det som syns men inte sägs : Om syntolkning. HumaNetten, 44, 125-146. Institutionen för humaniora, Växjö universitet.
- Holsanova, J. (2020). Uncovering scientific and multimodal literacy through audio description. Journal of Visual Literacy, 39, 132-148. International Visual Literacy Association.
- Holsanova, J. (2020). Uncovering Scientific and Multimodal Literacy through Audio Description. Journal of Visual Literacy, 39, 132-148. International Visual Literacy Association.
- Ingvarsdóttir, K. ?. & Balkenius, C. (2020). The Visual Perception of Material Properties Affects Motor Planning in Prehension : An Analysis of Temporal and Spatial Components of Lifting Cups. Frontiers in Psychology, 11. Frontiers Media S. A..
- Johansson, B., Tjøstheim, T. A. & Balkenius, C. (2020). Epi : An open humanoid platform for developmental robotics. International Journal of Advanced Robotic Systems, 17. SAGE Publications.
- Johansson, N., Anikin, A. & Aseyev, N. (2020). Color Sound Symbolism in Natural Languages. Language and Cognition, 12, 56-83. Cambridge University Press.
- Johansson, N., Anikin, A., Carling, G. & Holmer, A. (2020). The typology of sound symbolism : Defining macro-concepts via their semantic and phonetic features. Linguistic Typology, 24, 253-310. De Gruyter.