Articles (page 24 of 49)
- Anttila, S., Persson, J., Vareman, N. & Sahlin, N.-E. (2016). Conclusiveness resolves the conflict between quality of evidence and imprecision in GRADE. Journal of Clinical Epidemiology, 2016, 1-5. Elsevier.
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- Blomberg, O. (2016). Common Knowledge and Reductionism about Shared Agency. Australasian Journal of Philosophy, 94, 315-326. Routledge.
- Blomberg, O. (2016). Shared intention and the doxastic single end condition. Philosophical Studies, 173, 351-372. Springer.
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- Christoff, Z., Hansen, J. U. & Proietti, C. (2016). Reflecting on Social Influence in Networks. Journal of Logic, Language and Information, 25, 299-333. Springer.
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- Fritzson, F.-A. (2016). Good, Good For, and Good Relative To : Relative and Relational in Value Theory. Philosophy, 91, 255-267. Cambridge University Press.
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- Hansson, K., Bååth, R., Löhndorf, S., Sahlén, B. & Sikström, S. (2016). Quantifying Semantic Linguistic Maturity in Children. Journal of Psycholinguistic Research, 45, 1183-1199. Springer.
- Jacobs, I. F., von Bayern, A. & Osvath, M. (2016). A novel tool-use mode in animals : New Caledonian crows insert tools to transport objects. Animal Cognition, 19, 1249-1252. Springer.
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- Jönsson, M. & Assarsson, E. (2016). A problem for confirmation theoretic accounts of the conjunction fallacy. Philosophical Studies, 173, 437-449. Springer.
- Kabadayi, C., Taylor, L., von Bayern, A. & Osvath, M. (2016). Ravens, New Caledonian crows and jackdaws parallel great apes in motor self-regulation despite smaller brains. Royal Society Open Science. Royal Society Publishing.
- Kallioinen, P., Olofsson, J., Nakeva von Mentzer, C., Lindgren, M., Ors, M., Sahlén, B., Lyxell, B., Engström, E. & Uhlén, I. (2016). Semantic Processing in Deaf and Hard-of-Hearing Children: Large N400 Mismatch Effects in Brain Responses, Despite Poor Semantic Ability. Frontiers in Psychology, 7. Frontiers Media S. A..