Book chapters (page 18 of 18)
- Holsanova, J. (1996). När säger en bild mer än tusen ord? Om samspelet mellan text och bild i gränssnitt. In Löwgren, J. (Ed.) Teman i människa-datorinteraktion. (pp. 65-76). Institution för Informatik, Lunds universitet..
- Jörgensen, N. & Holsanova, J. (1996). Att avgränsa sin identitet i samtal. In Blomqvist, J. & Teleman, U. (Eds.) Det gränslösa samtalet. (pp. 73-81). Lund University Press.
- Petersson, B. (1996). A Comment on Michael Smith's Analysis of valuing. In Rabinowicz, W. (Ed.) Preference and Value, Studies in Philosophy 1996/1, 1996/1. Lund University.
- Sahlin, N.-E. (1996). Value-changes, and creativity. In Andersson, ?. & Sahlin, N.-E. (Eds.) The Complexity of Creativity (pp. 59-66), 258. Springer.
- Petersson, B. (1995). Om forskningstillgänglighet kontra pietet. I Adams ben, Institute of Archaeology Report Series No 55. Lund University, Institute of Archaeology.
- Petersson, B. (1995). Är kunskapen värd priset? En slutkommentar. I Adams ben, Institute of Archaeology Report Series No 55. Lund University, Institute of Archaeology.
- Sahlin, N.-E. (1995). F.P. Ramsey. In Kim, J. & Sosa, E. (Eds.) A Companion to Metaphysics (pp. 429-430). Wiley-Blackwell.
- Sahlin, N.-E. (1995). On the philosophical relations between Ramsey and Wittgenstein. In Hintikka, J. & Kuhl, P. (Eds.) The British tradition in 20th century philosophy : proceedings of the 17th International Wittgenstein-Symposium, 14th to 21th August 1994, Kirchberg am Wechsel (Austria) (pp. 150-163). Hölder Pischler-Tempsky.
- Sahlin, N.-E. & Persson, J. (1994). Epistemic risk: The significance of knowing what one does not know. In Brehmer, B. & Sahlin, N.-E. (Eds.) Future risks and risk management (pp. 37-62), Technology, risk, and society vol 9. Springer.
- Sahlin, N.-E., Hermerén, G. & Josefsson, J. (1994). Ethical aspects of valuing lives. In Brehmer, B. & Sahlin, N.-E. (Eds.) Future Risks and Risk Management (pp. 93-124). Springer.
- Gärdenfors, P. & Sahlin, N.-E. (1993). Varför skall vi minnas våra beslut?. In Andersson, ?. E. & Sahlin, N.-E. (Eds.) Huvudinnehåll : 12 filosofiska uppsatser (pp. 189-205). Bokförlaget Nya Doxa.
- Lindström, S. & Brinck, I. (1993). Artificiell intelligens - tankar utan innehåll?. In Andersson, ?. E. & Sahlin, N.-E. (Eds.) Huvudinnehåll. Tolv filosofiska uppsatser (pp. 121-146). Bokförlaget Nya Doxa.
- Sahlin, N.-E. (1993). On higher order beliefs. In Dubucs, J.-P. (Ed.) Philosophy of Probability (pp. 13-34), 56. Springer.
- Brinck, I. (1992). Metaphor, similarity and semantics fields. In Emt, J. & Hermerén, G. (Eds.) Understanding the Arts (pp. 195-214). Lund University Press.
- Sahlin, N.-E. (1992). Kunskapsrisk, utfallsrisk och moraliskt instabila beslut. Risk, bioteknologi och etik : rapport från Nordiskt utskott för etik inom bioteknologi, 49-68. Nordiska ministerrådet.
- Sahlin, N.-E. (1989). On epistemic risk and outcome risk in criminal cases. In Lindström, S. & Rabinowicz, W. (Eds.) In so many words : philosophical essays dedicated to Sven Danielsson on the occasion of his fiftieth birthday (pp. 176-186), 42. Philosophical Society and the Department of Philosophy, University of Uppsala.
- Gärdenfors, P. & Sahlin, N.-E. (1988). Introduction : Bayesian decision theory, foundations and problems. In Gärdenfors, P. & Sahlin, N.-E. (Eds.) Decision, Probability, and Utility : Selected Readings (pp. 1-16). Cambridge University Press.
- Gärdenfors, P. & Sahlin, N.-E. (1988). Unreliable probabilities, risk taking and decision making. In Gärdenfors, P. & Sahlin, N.-E. (Eds.) Decision, Probability, and Utility : Selected Readings (pp. 313-334). Cambridge University Press.
- Sahlin, N.-E. (1988). The significance of empirical evidence for developments in the foundations of decision theory. In Batens, D. & van Bendegem, J. (Eds.) Theory and experiment : recent insights and new perspectives on their relation (pp. 103-121), 195. D. Reidel.
- Gärdenfors, P. & Sahlin, N.-E. (1987). Decision making with unreliable probabilities. In Sage, A. P. (Ed.) System Design and Human Interaction (pp. 102-121). IEEE - Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc..
- Freeling, A. & Sahlin, N.-E. (1983). Combining evidence. In Gärdenfors, P., Hansson, B. & Sahlin, N.-E. (Eds.) Evidentiary value : philosophical, judicial and psychological aspects of a theory : essays dedicated to Sören Halldén on his sixtieth birthday (pp. 58-74), 15. CWK Gleerup.
- Sahlin, N.-E. (1983). Do people combine evidence according to an evidentiary value model?. In Gärdenfors, P., Hansson, B. & Sahlin, N.-E. (Eds.) Evidentiary value : philosophical, judicial and psychological aspects of a theory : essays dedicated to Sören Halldén on his sixtieth birthday (pp. 98-103), 15. CWK Gleerup.
- Sahlin, N.-E. (1983). On second order probabilities and the notion of epistemic risk. In Stigum, B., Wenstøp, F. & Reidel, D. (Eds.) Foundations of Utility and Risk Theory with Applications (pp. 95-104), 37. Springer.
- Sahlin, N.-E. & Goldsmith, R. (1983). The role of second-order probabilities in decision making. In Humphreys, P., Svensson, O. & Vari, A. (Eds.) Analysing and Aiding Decision Processes (pp. 455-467), 14. North-Holland.