Conference contributions (page 20 of 21)
- Balkenius, A., Kelber, A. & Balkenius, C. (2002). Simulations of learning and behaviour in the hawkmoth Deilephila elpenor. In Hallam et al., B. (Ed.) From Animals to Animats 7. Proceeding of the 7th International Conference on Simulation of Adaptive Behaviour (pp. 85-92). MIT Press.
- Rabinowicz, W. (2002). Preference Logic and Radical Interpretation: Kanger meets Davidson. In Gärdenfors, P., Wolenski, J. & Kijania-Placek, K. (Eds.) In the Scope of Logic, Methodology and Philosophy of Science (pp. 213-233), 2. Springer.
- Rønnow-Rasmussen, T. (2002). Fitting attitudes and Value; the Buck-passing Account.
- Sebelius, F., Eriksson, L., Balkenius, C. & Laurell, T. (2002). Tele-Operation of Multi-Finger Virtual/Robot Hand Using Self-Organizing Tree Structured Network on EMG. Proceedings of First International ICSC Conference on Neuro-Fuzzy Technologies, 16-19.
- Wallin, A. (2002). The informativness of objects. European Congress for Analytic Philosophy. Lund..
- Gärdenfors, P. & Williams, M.-A. (2001). Reasoning about categories in conceptual spaces. Proceedings of IJCAI 2001, 385-392. Morgan Kaufmann Publishers.
- Holsanova, J. (2001). Attentional Foci in Picture Viewing and Picture Description. International Cognitive Linguistics Conference. Santa Barbara.
- Holsanova, J. & Holmqvist, K. (2001). Comparing Foci in Picture Viewing and Picture Description. European Conference on Eye Movements, ECEM 11. Turku..
- Brinck, I. (2000). Attention and the evolution of intentional communication. In Desalles, J.-L. & Ghadakpour, L. (Eds.) Proceedings from the Conference on the Evolution of Language (pp. 23-26). Ecole Nationale Supplementaire des Telecommunications (ENST), Paris.
- Brinck, I. (2000). From Intuition to Insight. In Sandström, S. (Ed.) Konferenser / Kungl. Vitterhets historie och antikvitets akademien, The Intuitive Formation of Meaning : symposium held in Stockholm, April 20-21 1998 (pp. 39-52), 48. Almqvist & Wiksell.
- Gärdenfors, P., Balkenius, C. & Hall, L. (2000). The origin of symbols in the brain. Paper presented at the conference on Evolution of Language, March 6-9, 2000, Paris.
- Morén, J. & Balkenius, C. (2000). A computational model of emotional learning in the amygdala. From Animals to Animats 6: Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on the Simulation of Adaptive Behaviour. MIT Press.
- Wallin, A. (2000). Distinguishing appearance from reality – the development of a child’s theory formation?. European Society for Philosophy and Psychology, Salzburg.
- Holsanova, J. (1999). Language and Vision from a Dynamic Perspective. Swedish Conference in Multimodal Communication.. Linköping University.
- Holsanova, J. (1998). Comparing Verbal and Visual Areas of Interest in Picture Descriptions. Descriptions, Eye Tracking and Gestures.. Bielefeld University:Germany..
- Holsanova, J. (1998). Picture descriptions: Comparing verbal and visual 'areas of interest'. Second Swedish Conference in Multimodal Communication.. Lund University.
- Holsanova, J. (1998). The Use of Quotations in Discourse about Ethnicities. In Cmejrkova, S., Hoffmannova, J., Mullerova, O. & Svetla, J. (Eds.) Dialoganalyse VI. (Proceedings of the 6th International Congresss of IADA - International Association for Dialog)/Beiträge zur Dialogforschung; 17 (pp. 245-252), 2. Max Niemeyer Verlag.
- Holsanova, J. (1997). Perceiving Space and Time in Spoken Descriptions of a Complex Picture. AAAI 1997, Workshop on Language and Space.. Providence, Rhode Island..
- Holsanova, J. (1997). Transforming Pictures into Language. Multimodal Communication Conference. Göteborgs universitet.
- Holsanova, J. (1997). Verbal or Visual Thinker? A study of spoken descriptions of a complex picture. International Cognitive Linguistics Conference.. Amsterdam.
- Holsanova, J. (1997). Verbal or Visual Thinkers? Different ways of orienting in a complex picture. Proceedings of the European Conference on Cognitive Science., 32-37. manchester.
- Holsanova, J., Hedberg, B. & Nilsson, N. (1997). Visual and Verbal Focus Patterns when Describing Pictures. European Conference on Eye Movements (ECEM 9). Ulm:Germany.
- Holsanova, J. (1996). Attention Movements in Language and Vision. Representations and Processes between Vision and NL. Proceedings of the 12th European Conference of Artificial Intelligence., 81-83. Budapest, Hungary..
- Holsanova, J. & Jörgensen, N. (1996). The Use of Reported Talk in Ethnic Discourse. International Pragmatics Conference. International Pragmatics Association.
- Montelius, L., Sebelius, F., Eriksson, L., Holmberg, H., Schouenborg, J., Danielsen, N., Wallman, L., Laurell, T. & Balkenius, C. (1996). Pattern recognition of nerve signals using an artificial neural network.