Artiklar (sida 19 av 49)
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- Collins, P. J., Hahn, U., von Gerber, Y. & Olsson, E. J. (2018). The Bi-directional Relationship Between Source Characteristics and Message Content. Frontiers in Psychology, 9. Frontiers Media S. A..
- Dietrich, F. & Rabinowicz, W. (2018). Introduction to the Special Issue ‘Beliefs in Groups’ of Theory and Decision. Theory and Decision, 85, 1-4. Springer.
- Fritzson, F. A. (2018). Subjectivism and Relational Good. Ethical Theory and Moral Practice, 21, 359-370. Springer.
- Garcia, A. G. & Green Werkmäster, J. (2018). Subjectivism and the Framework of Constitutive Grounds. Ethical Theory and Moral Practice, 21, 155-167. Springer.
- Genot, E. J. (2018). Strategies of inquiry : The ‘Sherlock Holmes sense of deduction’ revisited. Synthese, 195, 2065-2088. Springer.
- Godden, D. & Zenker, F. (2018). A probabilistic analysis of argument cogency. Synthese, 195, 1715-1740. Springer.
- Gunnemyr, M. (2018). Kollektivt ansvar, kollektiva handlingar och storskaliga problem. Tidskrift för politisk filosofi, 47-47. Thales.
- Gåvertsson, F. & Andersson, H. (2018). Pietetsfullt hanterande av mänskliga kvarlevor. Filosofisk tidskrift, 39, 15-27. Thales.
- Gärdenfors, P. (2018). Pantomime als grundlage für ritual und sprache. Studia Liturgica, 48, 23-40. Societas Liturgica.
- Gärdenfors, P. & Brala-Vukanović, M. (2018). Semantic domains of demonstratives and articles : A view of deictic referentiality explored on the paradigm of Croatian demonstratives. Lingua, 201, 102-118. Elsevier.
- Gärdenfors, P. & Lombard, M. (2018). Causal cognition, force dynamics and early hunting technologies. Frontiers in Psychology, 9. Frontiers Media S. A..
- Gärdenfors, P. & Stephens, A. (2018). Induction and knowledge-what. European Journal for Philosophy of Science, 8, 471-491. Springer.
- Gärdenfors, P. & Wieschen, T. (2018). Pantomime as a foundation for ritual and language. Studia Liturgica, 48, 41-55. Societas Liturgica.
- Gärdenfors, P., Jost, J. & Warglien, M. (2018). From actions to effects : Three constraints on event mappings. Frontiers in Psychology, 9. Frontiers Media S. A..
- Handfield, T. & Rabinowicz, W. (2018). Incommensurability and vagueness in spectrum arguments : options for saving transitivity of betterness. Philosophical Studies, 175, 2373-2387. Springer.
- Henze, M. J., Lind, O., Mappes, J., Rojas, B. & Kelber, A. (2018). An aposematic colour-polymorphic moth seen through the eyes of conspecifics and predators - Sensitivity and colour discrimination in a tiger moth. Functional Ecology, 32, 1797-1809. Wiley-Blackwell.
- Hooge, I., Niehorster, D. C., Nyström, M., Andersson, R. & Hessels, R. S. (2018). Is human classification by experienced untrained observers a gold standard in fixation detection?. Behavior Research Methods, 50, 1864-1881. Springer.
- Höög, V. (2018). Rethinking the Mythical Standard Accounts of the Enlightenment. Insikt & Handling, 26, 7-17. Hans Larsson Samfundet.
- Jacot, J. & Pärnamets, P. (2018). GIRL special issue introduction. Synthese, 195, 483-490. Springer.
- Johansson, B. & Balkenius, C. (2018). A Computational Model of Pupil Dilation. Connection Science, 30, 5-19. Taylor & Francis.
- Johansson, R., Pärnamets, P., Bjernestedt, A. & Johansson, M. (2018). Pupil dilation tracks the dynamics of mnemonic interference resolution. Scientific Reports, 8. Nature Publishing Group.
- Justesen, N., Mahlmann, T., Risi, S. & Togelius, J. (2018). Playing Multi-Action Adversarial Games : Online Evolutionary Planning versus Tree Search. IEEE Transactions on Games, 10, 281-291. IEEE - Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc..
- Kabadayi, C., Bobrowicz, K. & Osvath, M. (2018). The detour paradigm in animal cognition. Animal Cognition, 21, 21-35. Springer.