Artiklar (sida 20 av 49)
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- Lambert, M. L. & Osvath, M. (2018). Comparing chimpanzees' preparatory responses to known and unknown future outcomes. Biology letters, 14. Royal Society Publishing.
- Li, Y. & Persson, E. (2018). Rice Epigenetic Pathways: Great Genetic Variation and Implication for Rapid Rice Breeding. Journal of Plant Genetics and Crop Research, 1, 40-46. Open Access Pub.
- Masterton, G. & Olsson, E. J. (2018). From Impact to Importance : the Current State of the Wisdom-of-Crowds Justification of Link-based Ranking Algorithms. Philosophy & Technology, 31, 593-609. Springer.
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- Osvath, M. & Kabadayi, C. (2018). Contrary to the Gospel, Ravens Do Plan Flexibly. Trends in Cognitive Sciences, 22, 474-475. Elsevier.
- Persson, J., Anttila, S. & Sahlin, N.-E. (2018). Hur förstå "och" i "vetenskap och beprövad erfarenhet"?. Filosofisk tidskrift, 39, 44-54. Thales.
- Persson, J., Hornborg, A., Olsson, L. & Thorén, H. (2018). Toward an alternative dialogue between the social and natural sciences. Ecology and Society, 23. The Resilience Alliance.
- Persson, J., Johansson, E. & Olsson, L. (2018). Harnessing local knowledge for scientific knowledge production : challenges and pitfalls within evidence-based sustainability studies. Ecology and Society, 23. The Resilience Alliance.
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- Rabinowicz, W. & Dietrich, F. (2018). Introduction to the Special Issue ‘Beliefs in Groups’. Theory and Decision, 85, 1-4. Springer.
- Rachman, L., Liuni, M., Arias, P., Lind, A., Johansson, P., Hall, L., Richardson, D. C., Watanabe, K., Dubal, S. & Aucouturier, J.-J. (2018). DAVID : An open-source platform for real-time transformation of infra-segmental emotional cues in running speech. Behavior Research Methods, 50, 323-343. Springer.
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- Rønnow-Rasmussen, T. (2018). Fitting-attitude Analysis and the Logical Consequence Argument. Philosophical Quarterly, 68, 560-579. Oxford University Press.
- Sahlén, B., Haake, M., von Lochow, H., Holm, L., Kastberg, T., Brännström, J. & Lyberg-Åhlander, V. (2018). Is children’s listening effort in background noise influenced by the speaker’s voice quality?. Logopedics Phoniatrics Vocology, 43, 47-55. Taylor & Francis.
- Stenwall, R., Persson, J. & Sahlin, N.-E. (2018). A new challenge for objective uncertainties and the propensity theorist. Metaphysica, 19, 219-224. Springer.