Bokkapitel (sida 12 av 19)
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- Holsanova, J., Johansson, R. & Holmqvist, K. (2008). To tell and to show: the interplay of language and visualisations in communication. I Gärdenfors, P. & Wallin, A. (Red.) A Smorgasbord of Cognitive Science (pp. 215-229). Bokförlaget Nya Doxa.
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- Maurin, A.-S. (2008). Does Ontology Matter?. I Gozzano, S. & Orilia, F. (Red.) Philosophische Analyse, Tropes, universals and the philosophy of mind : essays at the boundary of ontology and philosophical psychology (pp. 31-56), 24. Ontos Verlag.
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- Persson, J. (2008). Risk, fara och riskobjekt. I Persson, J. & Sahlin, N.-E. (Red.) Risk & Risici (pp. 221-230). Bokförlaget Nya Doxa.
- Persson, T. (2008). Primates, a cog in cognitive science. I Gärdenfors, P. & Wallin, A. (Red.) A Smorgasbord of Cognitive Science. Bokförlaget Nya Doxa.
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