Konferensbidrag (sida 21 av 21)
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- Jörgensen, N. & Holsanova, J. (1995). Us and Them. Talking about Social and Ethnic Groups. I Moen, I., Simonsen, G. & Lødrup, H. (Red.) Papers from The XVth Scandinavian Conference of Linguistics (pp. 264-268). Oslo.
- Pallbo, R., Balkenius, C. & Kopp, L. (1994). A robot with autonomous spatial learning: a project overview. Proceedings of SAIS.
- Pallbo, R. & Balkenius, C. (1991). Efficient implementation of neural networks in an object oriented programming environment. Proceedings of Neuro Nimes '91, 733-736.
- Sahlin, N.-E. (1984). On knowledge and evidence.