Konferensbidrag (sida 8 av 21)
- Hansen, J. U. (2014). Reasoning about opinion dynamics in social networks. I Ågotnes, T., Bonanno, G. & van der Hoek, W. (Red.) Proceedings of the eleventh conference on logic and the foundations of game and decision theory (LOFT 11).
- Ingvarsdottir, K. & Patching, G. (2014). Context effects in perception and discrimination of paired bounce heights. I Patching, G., Johnson, M., Borg, E. & Hellström, ?. (Red.) Proceedings of the 30th Annual Meeting of the International Society for Psychophysics (pp. 31-31). International Society for Psychophysics.
- Ingvarsdottir, K. & Patching, G. (2014). Perception of bounce height is influenced by surface smoothness. Perception, 43, 54-54. Pion Ltd.
- Lo Presti, P. (2014). A weak defence of normativism.
- Lo Presti, P. (2014). Doxastic Normativity.
- Lo Presti, P. (2014). Normative explanation : Disorders, violations and failures. [Publication information missing].
- Lyberg Åhlander, V., Haake, M., Brännström, J., Schötz, S. & Sahlén, B. (2014). How does the teacher's voice and background noise in the classroom affect children's comprehension and learning.
- Masterton, G. (2014). mistaken entry.
- Novianto, R., Williams, M. A., Gärdenfors, P. & Wightwick, G. (2014). Classical conditioning in social robots. I Beetz, M., Beetz, M., Williams, M.-A., Johnston, B. & Williams, M.-A. (Red.) Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics), Social Robotics : 6th International Conference, ICSR 2014, Proceedings (pp. 279-289), 8755. Springer.
- Persson, T. (2014). Are you indicating (for me)? The role of stimulus relations in pointing behaviours.
- Persson, T. (2014). How do great apes explain their world, and how do we explain them?.
- Persson, T. (2014). What we must do in order to test pictorial competence in animals.
- Pärnamets, P. (2014). Eye gaze reflects and causes moral choice.
- Pärnamets, P., Balkenius, C. & Richardson, D. C. (2014). Modelling moral choice as a diffusion process dependent on visual fixations. I Bello, P., Guarini, M., McShane, M. & Scassellati, B. (Red.) Proceedings of the 36th Annual Conference of the Cognitive Science Society (pp. 1132-1137). Cognitive Science Society, Inc.
- Rendsvig, R. K. (2014). Diffusion, Influence and Best-Response Dynamics in Networks : An Action Model Approach. I de Haan, R. (Red.) Proceedings of the ESSLLI 2014 Student Session (pp. 63-75).
- Rønnow-Rasmussen, T. (2014). The Logical Consequence of a Fitting-attitude.
- Strukelj, A. & Holsanova, J. (2014). Vad tycker syntolkar och brukare är viktigt i syntolkning?.
- Strukelj, A., Andersson, R. & Paradis, C. (2014). Your Very Helpful Brain in Action : Immediate Disruptions of the Reading Process and Lingering Effects of Error Correction.
- Wang, X., Williams, M. A., Gärdenfors, P., Vitale, J., Abidi, S., Johnston, B., Kuipers, B. & Huang, A. (2014). Directing human attention with pointing. I Sabanovic, S., Loureiro, R., Nagai, Y., Alissandrakis, A., Tapus, A. & Tanaka, F. (Red.) IEEE RO-MAN 2014 - 23rd IEEE International Symposium on Robot and Human Interactive Communication : Human-Robot Co-Existence: Adaptive Interfaces and Systems for Daily Life, Therapy, Assistance and Socially Engaging Interactions (pp. 174-179). IEEE - Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc..
- Zenker, F. (2014). Commentary on Mark Battersby and Sharon Bailin’s “Critical Thinking and Cognitive Biases.”. I Dima, M. & Marcin, L. (Red.) Proceedings of the 10th International Conference of the Ontario Society for the Study of Argumentation (OSSA), 22-26 May 2013. Windsor, ON: OSSA.
- Zenker, F. (2014). Know thy biases! Bringing argumentative virtues to the classroom. I Dima, M. & Marcin, L. (Red.) Proceedings of the 10th International Conference of the Ontario Society for the Study of Argumentation (OSSA) (pp. 1-11). OSSA.
- Anderberg, E., Axelsson, A., Gulz, A. & Haake, M. (2013). Can preschoolers profit from a teachable agent based play-and-learn game in mathematics?. I Yasef, K. & Lane, C. (Red.) Artificial Intelligence in Education (AIED 2013), LNCS, vol. 7926 (pp. 289-298), LNCS, vol 7926. Springer.
- Andersson, R., Scharenborg, O., Huettig, F. & Weber, A. (2013). Auditory noise as a fast trigger for speech-reading.
- Andersson, R., Scharenborg, O., Huettig, F. & Weber, A. (2013). Auditory noise as a fast trigger for speech-reading. Journal of Eye Movement Research, 6, 540-540. European Group for Eye Movement Research.
- Buonamente, M., Dindo, H. & Johnsson, M. (2013). Recognizing Actions with the Associative Self-Organizing Map.