Articles (page 18 of 49)
- Ranta, M., Skoglund, P., Cabak Rédei, A. & Persson, T. (2019). Levels of Narrativity in Scandinavian Bronze Age Petroglyphs. Cambridge Archaeological Journal, 29, 497-516. Cambridge University Press.
- Reber, S. A., Šlipogor, V., Oh, J., Ravignani, A., Hoeschele, M., Bugnyar, T. & Fitch, W. T. (2019). Common marmosets are sensitive to simple dependencies at variable distances in an artificial grammar. Evolution and Human Behavior, 40, 214-221. Elsevier.
- Stenwall, R., Persson, J. & Sahlin, N.-E. (2019). A Reply to Mellor’s “Propensities and Possibilities”. Metaphysica, 20, 149-150. Springer.
- Stålhammar, S. & Thorén, H. (2019). Three perspectives on relational values of nature. Sustainability Science. Springer.
- Szigeti, A. & Malmqvist, E. (2019). Exploitation and Joint Action. Journal of Social Philosophy, 1-21. John Wiley & Sons Inc..
- Talbert, M. (2019). The Attributionist Approach to Moral Luck. Midwest Studies in Philosophy, 43, 24-41. Wiley-Blackwell.
- Thorén, H., Persson, J. & Vareman, N. (2019). Osäkerhet, tvärvetenskap och klimatförändringarna : en vetenskapsfilosofisk betraktelse av IPCCs osäkerhetsramverk. Filosofisk tidskrift, 2019. Thales.
- Tjøstheim, T. A. & Balkenius, C. (2019). Cumulative inhibition in neural networks. Cognitive Processing, 20, 87-102. Springer.
- Tärning, B. & Silvervarg, A. (2019). “I didn’t understand, i'm really not very smart”—How design of a digital tutee’s self-efficacy affects conversation and student behavior in a digital math game. Education Sciences, 9. MDPI AG.
- Tärning, B., Silvervarg, A., Gulz, A. & Haake, M. (2019). Instructing a Teachable Agent with Low or High Self-Efficacy – Does Similarity Attract?. International Journal of Artificial Intelligence in Education, 29. International AIED Society.
- van Lee, H. S., Rendsvig, R. K. & van Wijk, S. (2019). Intensional Protocols for Dynamic Epistemic Logic. Journal of Philosophical Logic, 48, 1077-1118. Springer.
- Velichkov, A. (2019). Trembling in Fear and Passion : Kierkegaard's Leap of Faith as a Source of the Sublime. Inscriptions, 2.
- Yu, S. & Zenker, F. (2019). A dialectical view on conduction : Reasons, warrants, and normal suasory inclinations. Informal Logic, 39, 32-69. Informal Logic, University of Windsor, ON, Canada.
- Alm, D. (2018). Punishment, Consent and Value. Ethical Theory and Moral Practice, 21, 903-914. Springer.
- Andersson, H. & Herlitz, A. (2018). A More Plausible Collapsing Principle. Theoria (Sweden), 84, 325-336. Thales.
- Anikin, A. & Lima, C. (2018). Perceptual and acoustic differences between authentic and acted nonverbal emotional vocalizations. Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology, 71, 622-641. SAGE Publications.
- Anikin, A., Persson, T. & Arnling Bååth, R. (2018). Human Non-linguistic Vocal Repertoire : Call Types and Their Meaning. Journal of Nonverbal Behavior, 42, 53-80. Springer.
- Anttila, S., Persson, J., Vareman, N. & Sahlin, N.-E. (2018). Challenge of communicating uncertainty in systematic reviews when applying GRADE ratings. Evidence-Based Medicine. BMJ Publishing Group.
- Balkenius, C., Tjøstheim, T. A. & Johansson, B. (2018). Arousal and awareness in a humanoid robot. CEUR Workshop Proceedings, 2287. CEUR-WS.
- Balkenius, C., Tjøstheim, T. A., Johansson, B. & Gärdenfors, P. (2018). From focused thought to reveries : A memory system for a conscious robot. Frontiers in robotics and AI, 5. Frontiers Media S. A..
- Bellmund, J. L., Gärdenfors, P., Moser, E. I. & Doeller, C. F. (2018). Navigating cognition : Spatial codes for human thinking. Science (New York, N.Y.), 362. American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS).
- Blomberg, O. (2018). We-experiences, common knowledge and the mode approach to collective intentionality. Journal of Social Philosophy, 49, 183-203. John Wiley & Sons Inc..
- Blomberg, O. & Petersson, B. (2018). Plikt att kollektivisera?. Tidskrift för politisk filosofi, 22, 36-46. Thales.
- Bobrowicz, K. & Osvath, M. (2018). Cats Parallel Great Apes and Corvids in Motor Self-Regulation – Not Brain but Material Size Matters. Frontiers in Psychology. Frontiers Media S. A..
- Brinck, I. (2018). Empathy, engagement, entrainment : The interaction dynamics of aesthetic experience. Cognitive Processing, 19, 201-213. Springer.